Have you lived your life long enough that when you’re past reason and puberty, you realise that the rest of it is going to be years upon years of social conformity?
Well even if it is I guess you’d have little vagaries that will remind you that life is somewhat meaningful to you, so you go to your churches, or you listen to your spiritual leader, you read your favourite magazines and/or you just watch your television programs.
You just sit and sink to the bed of the endless ocean of lies and conspiracies concealed by the very people who take your money to buy your trust and take it back again to build something you don’t need, but of course they’ll cover this up with an excuse like, “this will put us on the map of technological advancement,” gosh I can imagine an old bespectacled man somberly saying that into the microphone, with his eyes fixated on someone or something because he’s too scared to look right at the camera and lie.
I think you already know that for every dollar you have, a certain percent of that dollar is taxed on it, yes, every, whether you earned it or not. So lets say, have $100, and for every dollar, that 0.02% taxed on it. So that’s 0.02 cents a dollar, that’s already 2 cents for $100, okay fine, sounds little to you, but don’t forget, the world is multi-trillion (and more) dollar system, so let’s just calculate a billion dollars, that’s already 2 million dollars for tax, and the money you need to pay that 2 million is also borrowed, face it, you’re caught in a matrix of debts you will never escape.
And who borrows most of this cash, well your leaders do, and who helps your leaders spend this cash and get paid doing so, your big massive corporations do, and how do big, massive corporations end up being big, massive corporations, they control you, and how do they control you, by manipulating the human psyche, and how do they do that, by instilling in you the path of the righteous through religion.
But I guess if you prefer living in controlled environment, then just continue to exist where you are, even people on the left can’t help you there, they’re the ones in control now anyway.
So tell me, people, why does the ruler of the universe want to take an Asian tour first, instilling ties and bonds with Japan and China?
Let’s revive the Russian Nihilist Movement and get confused as communists, let’s go kill everyone for the sake of spreading the meaningless message of: Life is meaningless.
Sincerely yours, your mediocre nihilist, kvnt.