Saturday, June 20, 2009

It’s a Pig world after all…

I’m pissed off at all the fucking retards who take the fucking swine flu, or H1N1, or Mongrel flu bullshit that’s going on.

I’ve seen petitions on Facebook about extending the mid-year june holidays because of this “pandemic”. So, let me ask this question, how dangerous is the swine flu?

Okay breaking this down statistically, if you take the number of cases by far (‘Z’), it should add up to about, 44290, and the so far total amount of deaths caused by the new influenza, 180 (‘X’).

So the ratio here is well, 44290/180 which is about 1 in every 246 cases (this makes up for 'A’) . Then taking the amount of months it has been around, mid-April, and now is generally mid-June, so generally, 3 months (‘Y’).

So X/Y= 60 (B).

So on average, it’s a total of 60 deaths per month for every death in 246 cases.

Now if you do the same thing for flu in just America alone; within one year in America over 61,000 people will die of pneumonia. One out of every 20 who contract pneumonia will die. And since January of this year alone, over 1,300 people have died from ordinary flu.

If the swine flu continues for a year, it would have taken 720 lives internationally. Compare that to the statistical charts of ordinary flu in America, it’s a minor risk.

Sure, the world is taking a good step towards preventing further spread of the virus, but that doesn’t make it a pandemic.

It just has to be a controlled infection because we already have too many illnesses to deal with.

Face it people, we’re just lied to, and that’s what the media does; incite society to aid the establishment control existence.

My answer to all this: BULLSHIT. You fucking hypocrites look like fucking retards whenever some new thing has spread, but then again, you guys are fucking retards anyway for having totalitarian forces shove bourgeois nonsense down your throats; idiots.


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