Dearest diary, I would love to strongly voice my opinion about the Haitian situation right now.
My opinion will most definitely upset and insult a lot of people, so at least I can blame any attempt on my sorry life on something.
Millions of men, women and children are suffering in Haiti now because of an earthquake which destroyed lives and billions and billions of dollars of property, and organisations and artistes are appealing for help from people elsewhere on the planet to help because it is not only moral and ethical on a humane basis to help fellow humans, it is to protect and restore business.
The world is a corporation, its countries are its companies, their states are their divisions and its people are its workers.
And Haiti is one such company, because you see, there is no morality into helping another person, it subjects to personal beliefs and choice.
And a way I would like to choose, according to my personal beliefs, to offer my opinion in dealing with this:
Kill and slaughter the entire population like a corporation which chooses to terminate a defective, faulty company.
As far as I’m concerned, we’ve been killing each other off since the beginning of time for, according to a lot of people (mainly idiotic pacifists who never bother to analyse a situation), the “wrong” reasons.
You mean there’s actually a “right” reason to kill and go to war with another nation?
Sure, capital punishment is death for several crimes; kill a person for killing a person and praise a soldier for slaughtering people.
It’s is legal to be a maniacal serial killer only when your president cannot agree with another world leader, not because you have repressed hatred for humanity, or because your wife was cheating on your hardworking back.
So kill the entire nation and save yourself the time, money and trouble, besides, it’ll help Al Gore and the green rangers from complaining about so much bloody carbon emissions.
It’s all bullshit and it’s all business.
Ah well, I’ve moved out of my old neighbourhood into a new one, adapting, spreading like a virus; I am well, finding a sort of equilibrium with my natural and unnatural surroundings.
I seem to be ripping off Matrix there.
I really need to start studying and stop penning ridiculous lines for graphic novels I hope to publish like “I’m going to die, and I need to look pretty.” or, “All those sickening melancholic tales, of which, verses harangue ravenously in my head, like that eerie dripping of water from an unclosed tap in an echoic toilet.”.
GP, Chemistry, Physics, History, Literature, would have taken more if I actually knew what exactly I want to be, heh.
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