I have discovered that my true pursuit is to be nothing. But not the ubiquitous form of nothingness, but the iniquitous form.
Iniquitous in the sense that nothing does not apply to the statement ‘not anything’, the ‘nothing’ I am using is a manifestation of un-intrinsic, un-cosmological, and generally, out of this infinite universe.
My form of ‘nothingness’ applies to the entities that unbind me from the common norm of what we are today; it is beyond the thinking and the knowing and the understanding of what brings us to the modernisation of an epileptic melodrama that we today call humanity.
For there is no objective law, and no moral standard, no reality, no truth, nothing. These are the nothingness of which we are today, the material form of nothingness.
if you have read the entire story of King Midas, you would have know that he has consulted a daemon by the name of Silenus, the companion of Dionysus(that’s if you know your Greek history and mythology well). For many, Midas was the one with the golden touch, you know, everything he touched turned to gold and yada yada yada…
But here, I will not elaborate on his folly of endeavours.
So, Midas asks Silenus, “What is man’s greatest happiness?”
And Silenus turns to him in wretched grimness(hehehe), “Ephemeral wretch, begotten by accident and toil, why do you force me to tell you what it would be your greatest boon not to hear? What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach: Not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing. The second best is to die soon.”
Thus here, I shall embark on my essay on the quote.
So if to be nothing is beyond my reach, then surely the material, which is always in my grasp, is the treason for the knowing and understanding of what I oh so proclaim to lust.
Thus to be nothing must mean to be intangible.
So tell me, would this constitute to being immortal?
To be nothing, intangible, is to be ideological, to be a manifestation of entities that cultivate within the brain, a driving force that embodies both cosmologically and within our infinite minds.
When I say that reality does not exist, I am merely pointing out the inconsistencies of what we conceive to be real, thus reality is an ideological form of things that occupy and consist of matter, and relative events that have happened. Then it is an ideology that will strive to exist within our understanding like a concrete wall.
But to be nothing is to be a completely different thing, it is beyond our understanding of what we have and it is the knowledge of what we must become to achieve our endeavours.
Because ideas never die.
Let’s take things relative here; take for example, our mind.
Relate it to our observable, expanding, infinite universe, then our mind is cosmological; ever expanding, and infinite. Then an idea is a nebular on the grounds on which we want to be based on. For example, we exist on earth, then that is the grounds on which we exist on, then an idea would be something we can only reach if we work towards it. Turn it back into realism, then we can only see a nebular through an extended telescope, but to reach it, we have to bribe NASA with a few billon dollars.
So then, this statement is then correct. To be nothing is quite beyond our grasp. Because for one, we lack the knowledge and understanding to reach it.
And now, let me get back to what ‘nothing’ is.
It is then the peak; above all spiritual absurdities, all common knowledge, and all physical & ideological understanding.
It is beyond who and what we are.
But truly, knowledge and understanding is meaningless, still.
Because we are still bound by the iniquities of justice, governance, the absurdities of property and religion, we are still too afraid to be free.
Because we have been raised by absurdities like religion, because only an absurdity does not admit of an explanation.
We are still bound, and too afraid of what lies beyond the line.
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