Thursday, August 28, 2008

Horrified, Terrified, Stupified....Like You.

Oh guess what? I had this sudden urge yesterday to have beer and pizza at the same time, because why-- A friend of mine sent me a song titled beer and Joy told me she had pizza; and so I was there wanting the best of both worlds.

I got fucking drunk and ate 2 pizzas! How stupid is that?- VERY, I KNOW!

So I was at home, playing my guitar to 'When I see you Smile' by Bad English and my wooden chair broke!

I had a few cuts here and there from the fall and blah blah blah, removed a lot of splinters, blah blah blah, didn't bother to clean wounds, blah blah blah, fell asleep bleeding:D

So there you have it, my stupendous night as a drunkard...

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