Why do many of us choose to conform? I'm seriously allured by the common mainstream thinking that corporate organizations have bought us with their oh so malignant advertising on what beauty is, what perfection is and what we should be.
Same goes to any political institute or constitute.
It's made the intangible and everything else so material.
It's almost safe to say you can buy beauty in a bottle of moisturizer.
Don't you see? The educational systems creates within a sense of doubt and a gloaming of aloof idolatory thinking, restricting us from our true potentials and thus deeming us only as such.
To me, conformity is an act of weakness and cowardice. Simply drilling us into the control of the "powerful".
Of course there is the law of nature that it is an equatorial system of survival. But isn't survival also about self-dependence and based almost entirely on your judgments?
Reciprocate with individuality, the first step to enlightenment is to have an open mind and the expectation of the unexpected.
The structure of the world is there is no fixed structure; it just happens if we make it happen or if it happens spontaneously.
As I've said, the world works in paradox.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
In order to strive for our own perceptions of perfection, we create and invent what a god can never give us. The world works in paradox, contradiction and in satire; if not for these, the world would be a one-sided, flat-surfaced realm of ego-less, inanimate nothingness. Then everyone would be the same, everyone would look the same, everyone would think the same and there would be no controversy, no entertainment, no nothing.
The world fluctuates on the basis of these 3 simple things simply because it is so. There is no obligation for any individual to subject to a certain set of rules or laws or commandments or sins. But the paradox is, you have to subject and conform to the manual of an appliance for example, but the paradox is there to only warn of the effects of certain action taken.
For example: It is written in the manual of a microwave oven to never heat any shiny, reflective objects because it may cause an explosion. But the paradox of such is, do not do it unless you do not want the effect to occur, you are not obligated to conform, but you have the individual choice as to whether you want to do it or not.
So back to the first line about perfection; perfection itself is not a justifiable term only because what is perfect varies from mind to mind, again the paradox thing operating.
In order for perfection we have many modern things that help us achieve what we want, the most oldest of all is of course imagination, then again, we can go more practical with things like photoshop, music/picture/video editors, make-up and other things that help us to create our own ideals of perfection.
The world is not a justifiable order, it is only the ideology and belief an individual subjects to that justifies their nature. This is where I conclude.
The world fluctuates on the basis of these 3 simple things simply because it is so. There is no obligation for any individual to subject to a certain set of rules or laws or commandments or sins. But the paradox is, you have to subject and conform to the manual of an appliance for example, but the paradox is there to only warn of the effects of certain action taken.
For example: It is written in the manual of a microwave oven to never heat any shiny, reflective objects because it may cause an explosion. But the paradox of such is, do not do it unless you do not want the effect to occur, you are not obligated to conform, but you have the individual choice as to whether you want to do it or not.
So back to the first line about perfection; perfection itself is not a justifiable term only because what is perfect varies from mind to mind, again the paradox thing operating.
In order for perfection we have many modern things that help us achieve what we want, the most oldest of all is of course imagination, then again, we can go more practical with things like photoshop, music/picture/video editors, make-up and other things that help us to create our own ideals of perfection.
The world is not a justifiable order, it is only the ideology and belief an individual subjects to that justifies their nature. This is where I conclude.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm not going to talk about love, propagate my philosophies nor write a short story or make a list. My week of absence has far too many events which I could care less to share about. So this post would be an impromptu diarrhea of mental vomit. To detoxify my mind of my worries.
I am the zeitgeist of my delirious thought. Always drifting 50 dimensions away from my coordinates, 5000 seconds away. A monochrome rainbow flashes before my eyes, cynical, ever so cynical. The vivisection of my mind, dissected into a billion and one thoughts at the bit rate of 50 thoughts per millisecond.
On the 5th of November, 1400hrs; the British celebrated Guy Fawkes day, a crowd from Westminster to East End, a crowd of shire-lings, Londoners, county-dwellers and tourists flocking to experience the young tradition. While in Lyon a petite brunette girl dips her hands in grains and feels the dust gather. Over in an adjacent restaurant, a Swedish blond has tripped and stabbed her eye with a fork, her vitreous humor dripped onto her minestrone soup.
In Uganda, 1532hrs; a boy imagines he is a jumbo jet, spreading his arms like wings of an eagle, running in a spiraled series across the forage of leaves that stick to the soil through the rain. Up in the north, an epileptic has seizures from watching the northern lights, nobody knows that he has auroraphobia. Down to the oriental south east of Asia, a boy imagines what the 5th of November would be like this year and starts blogging about it. He is blogging about it now. He has blogged about it.
The boy knows that to create is Godly to recreate is Immortal.
I am the zeitgeist of my delirious thought. Always drifting 50 dimensions away from my coordinates, 5000 seconds away. A monochrome rainbow flashes before my eyes, cynical, ever so cynical. The vivisection of my mind, dissected into a billion and one thoughts at the bit rate of 50 thoughts per millisecond.
On the 5th of November, 1400hrs; the British celebrated Guy Fawkes day, a crowd from Westminster to East End, a crowd of shire-lings, Londoners, county-dwellers and tourists flocking to experience the young tradition. While in Lyon a petite brunette girl dips her hands in grains and feels the dust gather. Over in an adjacent restaurant, a Swedish blond has tripped and stabbed her eye with a fork, her vitreous humor dripped onto her minestrone soup.
In Uganda, 1532hrs; a boy imagines he is a jumbo jet, spreading his arms like wings of an eagle, running in a spiraled series across the forage of leaves that stick to the soil through the rain. Up in the north, an epileptic has seizures from watching the northern lights, nobody knows that he has auroraphobia. Down to the oriental south east of Asia, a boy imagines what the 5th of November would be like this year and starts blogging about it. He is blogging about it now. He has blogged about it.
The boy knows that to create is Godly to recreate is Immortal.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'll open with a quote.
"...we are for Free Trade, because by Free Trade all economical laws, with their most astounding contradictions, will act upon a larger scale, upon the territory of the whole earth; and because from the uniting of all these contradictions in a single group, where they will stand face to face, will result the struggle which will itself eventuate in the emancipation of the proletariat." -Karl Marx.
I've reflected deeply upon my ideologies and personality and realised that I have a lot of traits that show some sort of anarchism.
Mainly Nihilist Anarchism, but I also have strong views on the oppression we've elected upon ourselves.
In this sparking moments of chaos and turmoil, we've elected to govern us an institute of power-hungry individuals who seek only for their personal gain and comfort, ignoring the true needs of those who've elected them.
So this government we have, this leadership, this illusion of freedom, this exploitation and our social disembowelment, has created its own revolution. Just as I coin from William Powell: A government creates its own revolution. There can be no revolt without it.
What we were; a negated trade for the rich and powerful, a monopoly, a bartering of slaves who generate and fluctuate the socioeconomic growth of those who made it game. At least now, a lot of us are smart enough to know what we should have done; we're smart enough to see our sightless vision.
But not even enough for a constitutional right to amend, not even wanting to speak of the obliteration of a revolution.
We're a bunch of slaves saving each other from harm, giving each other harm.
Those who created the gods are the gods themselves. Their mortality lies in the ashes of their contradictions and their game.
We're a fucking joke, we don't matter to them.
We're tangible, disposable; their wealth and plentiful lives corrodes their vision of value.
We're cheap labour and we should start turning the tables.
We all think of liberation, of freedom of everything we can dream of that seemed so real because we dreamed it intangible.
"Freedom is not a commodity given to the enslaved upon demand. It is a precious reward, the shining trophy of struggle and sacrifice" Kwame Nkrumah.
Add voiceless determination and unheard dreams.
"People will sell liberty for a quieter life" Anthony Burgess in A Clockwork Orange.
What quieter life?! There is only weakness in those who choose to be blinded and enslaved, weakness and ignorance, idiocracy and stupidity.
We have ideas, some of which are smart, most of which were stupid, for some, the reverse is more likely. We have ideas, ideas that came from all sources; dreams, imaginations and fantasies. We have ideas, ideas others may never think of, others may never hear, others will never recognize when you never show them, ideas that will spark many ideas, ideas to change, to revolt, to aid us in movement to reconnoiter the system. We have ideas, ideas to kill and be killed for, ideas that will only be heard because ideas take place in the head, where true liberty exists.
If we choose to stand at the side and hope someone will do something, then that someone will never come. You only live once, take the chance to do something apart from the stupendous mandatory, monopoly life you live. Stop dreaming of becoming a bis superstar and having a billion fans. Dream of something that will share the spirit of not only yours but of those around you. Face it, life is meant to be interesting, it's our job to give it some worth.
"It is in my firm belief that the only laws an individual can truly respect and obey are those instilled in himself(herself)." - William Powell.
"The will to power only exists because we desire it to exist. It is a personal experiment of life. Only the individual can decide its value... The individual desires to master all space and to extend its force but encounters other individuals doing the same and thus gives way to them or they come to a union and strive for power... The fears and anxieties of an individual and of society should be overcome." - collective quotes from The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche.
For your liberty, for their liberty, for my liberty, for the liberty of whosoever. Understand.
"...we are for Free Trade, because by Free Trade all economical laws, with their most astounding contradictions, will act upon a larger scale, upon the territory of the whole earth; and because from the uniting of all these contradictions in a single group, where they will stand face to face, will result the struggle which will itself eventuate in the emancipation of the proletariat." -Karl Marx.
I've reflected deeply upon my ideologies and personality and realised that I have a lot of traits that show some sort of anarchism.
Mainly Nihilist Anarchism, but I also have strong views on the oppression we've elected upon ourselves.
In this sparking moments of chaos and turmoil, we've elected to govern us an institute of power-hungry individuals who seek only for their personal gain and comfort, ignoring the true needs of those who've elected them.
So this government we have, this leadership, this illusion of freedom, this exploitation and our social disembowelment, has created its own revolution. Just as I coin from William Powell: A government creates its own revolution. There can be no revolt without it.
What we were; a negated trade for the rich and powerful, a monopoly, a bartering of slaves who generate and fluctuate the socioeconomic growth of those who made it game. At least now, a lot of us are smart enough to know what we should have done; we're smart enough to see our sightless vision.
But not even enough for a constitutional right to amend, not even wanting to speak of the obliteration of a revolution.
We're a bunch of slaves saving each other from harm, giving each other harm.
Those who created the gods are the gods themselves. Their mortality lies in the ashes of their contradictions and their game.
We're a fucking joke, we don't matter to them.
We're tangible, disposable; their wealth and plentiful lives corrodes their vision of value.
We're cheap labour and we should start turning the tables.
We all think of liberation, of freedom of everything we can dream of that seemed so real because we dreamed it intangible.
"Freedom is not a commodity given to the enslaved upon demand. It is a precious reward, the shining trophy of struggle and sacrifice" Kwame Nkrumah.
Add voiceless determination and unheard dreams.
"People will sell liberty for a quieter life" Anthony Burgess in A Clockwork Orange.
What quieter life?! There is only weakness in those who choose to be blinded and enslaved, weakness and ignorance, idiocracy and stupidity.
We have ideas, some of which are smart, most of which were stupid, for some, the reverse is more likely. We have ideas, ideas that came from all sources; dreams, imaginations and fantasies. We have ideas, ideas others may never think of, others may never hear, others will never recognize when you never show them, ideas that will spark many ideas, ideas to change, to revolt, to aid us in movement to reconnoiter the system. We have ideas, ideas to kill and be killed for, ideas that will only be heard because ideas take place in the head, where true liberty exists.
If we choose to stand at the side and hope someone will do something, then that someone will never come. You only live once, take the chance to do something apart from the stupendous mandatory, monopoly life you live. Stop dreaming of becoming a bis superstar and having a billion fans. Dream of something that will share the spirit of not only yours but of those around you. Face it, life is meant to be interesting, it's our job to give it some worth.
"It is in my firm belief that the only laws an individual can truly respect and obey are those instilled in himself(herself)." - William Powell.
"The will to power only exists because we desire it to exist. It is a personal experiment of life. Only the individual can decide its value... The individual desires to master all space and to extend its force but encounters other individuals doing the same and thus gives way to them or they come to a union and strive for power... The fears and anxieties of an individual and of society should be overcome." - collective quotes from The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche.
For your liberty, for their liberty, for my liberty, for the liberty of whosoever. Understand.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
She spoke those words to me like a bee harvesting nectar, never the same, never different. An alienated familiarity. Those 3 words in that bewitching moment, in that exact order: I love you.
She spoke it as though unknowingly, as though it were a natural thing, she kept questioning, looking at the reflections of light in the dark, the only silhouettes she could relate too as my eyes, kept questioning me what was on my mind.
I held back not to tell her, I couldn't, fighting back the tears; stings in my eyes, stings that a blink would make it ache.
I refrained, oh my nothingness, I had to refrain. She's so beautiful, so elegant, yet so volatile and fragile.
I wanted to tell her, "How very much do I love you, how very much have I tried to never hurt you, how very much can I say to ease your suffering? How could I lose you?-- Look at us, we're happy, happier than we were before, I was stupid once, immature, reckless, naive, I was human, the more perfect I tried to become for you, the harder I fail to succeed. You believe in happy endings, in fairy tale living, I believe in death and self-liberation. How different are we?-- You hate to face reality, I embrace it. But yet, we set that apart for something even the most wise can never understand. You ask me how much I love you, each time I say very much, it burns me, because I know emotions can never be truly measured. We got hamsters together, a boy and a girl, we named them Friedrich and Mishka. I gave me a sense of responsibility, as though it were our own kids. I just hope I know what to say to make you feel that liquidation in your epicentre, you know that melted, brewing feeling, state to state, solid to liquid, liquid to gas; such as anger to alright, alright to happy(can't I think of better words?). Maybe I'm beginning to see again, or at least have a clearer vision of how much you mean to me, my weakness, my love, Joy."

She spoke it as though unknowingly, as though it were a natural thing, she kept questioning, looking at the reflections of light in the dark, the only silhouettes she could relate too as my eyes, kept questioning me what was on my mind.
I held back not to tell her, I couldn't, fighting back the tears; stings in my eyes, stings that a blink would make it ache.
I refrained, oh my nothingness, I had to refrain. She's so beautiful, so elegant, yet so volatile and fragile.
I wanted to tell her, "How very much do I love you, how very much have I tried to never hurt you, how very much can I say to ease your suffering? How could I lose you?-- Look at us, we're happy, happier than we were before, I was stupid once, immature, reckless, naive, I was human, the more perfect I tried to become for you, the harder I fail to succeed. You believe in happy endings, in fairy tale living, I believe in death and self-liberation. How different are we?-- You hate to face reality, I embrace it. But yet, we set that apart for something even the most wise can never understand. You ask me how much I love you, each time I say very much, it burns me, because I know emotions can never be truly measured. We got hamsters together, a boy and a girl, we named them Friedrich and Mishka. I gave me a sense of responsibility, as though it were our own kids. I just hope I know what to say to make you feel that liquidation in your epicentre, you know that melted, brewing feeling, state to state, solid to liquid, liquid to gas; such as anger to alright, alright to happy(can't I think of better words?). Maybe I'm beginning to see again, or at least have a clearer vision of how much you mean to me, my weakness, my love, Joy."

Saturday, October 11, 2008
People never discuss the methods of suicide, well hardly. Be it hanging, jumping, shooting, intoxication, slitting or such as, but people hardly ever hear the term autoerotic asphyxia.
When Ivan was 16, he was surfing the internet for extreme pornography sites, he developed a paraphilic mind where he would imagine girls and guys of every form you could ever imagine defaecate and urinate on him while sticking carrots up his rectum. He would then also imagine animals licking vigorously at his scrotum while he masturbated.
Ivan grew deeper and deeper into his autoeroticism and avoided the rest of the world violently, his addiction made him skip meals and life became depressing.
Masturbation for him was only another way out. His genitals were his life.
People find countless ways to get it off good, some have dire consequences. Such like a vacuum cleaner company developed its design in the 50's by adding a rotating razor blade on the inside of their pipes to shred up all the things that may clog up the system. This resulted in many men having to be rushed to the hospital because their penises were either severed, partially severed, stuck or partially severed and stuck.
The deeper the addiction grew, the more experimental he became, the more misanthropic he was.
To cut the long story short (I'm too lazy to write), Ivan masturbated, and about 10 seconds before he ejaculated, he cut the oxygen to his brain to get a better feeling. This is called autoerotic asphyxia.
He suffocated to death, more or less masturbated to death. Suicide through masturbation... bet you didn't know it was possible to huh?
When Ivan was 16, he was surfing the internet for extreme pornography sites, he developed a paraphilic mind where he would imagine girls and guys of every form you could ever imagine defaecate and urinate on him while sticking carrots up his rectum. He would then also imagine animals licking vigorously at his scrotum while he masturbated.
Ivan grew deeper and deeper into his autoeroticism and avoided the rest of the world violently, his addiction made him skip meals and life became depressing.
Masturbation for him was only another way out. His genitals were his life.
People find countless ways to get it off good, some have dire consequences. Such like a vacuum cleaner company developed its design in the 50's by adding a rotating razor blade on the inside of their pipes to shred up all the things that may clog up the system. This resulted in many men having to be rushed to the hospital because their penises were either severed, partially severed, stuck or partially severed and stuck.
The deeper the addiction grew, the more experimental he became, the more misanthropic he was.
To cut the long story short (I'm too lazy to write), Ivan masturbated, and about 10 seconds before he ejaculated, he cut the oxygen to his brain to get a better feeling. This is called autoerotic asphyxia.
He suffocated to death, more or less masturbated to death. Suicide through masturbation... bet you didn't know it was possible to huh?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Perfection, people, is something one can never achieve without imagination. The trail of a human life always go to waste at the expense of what an illusion of intrepidity we have instilled in ourselves through money, laws, religion and of course value.
Look at it this way, if humankind hadn't put value in anything and truly recognized the true value of something, instead of having something intrinsic, we wouldn't have money, and of course the people who have money want to protect their fucking money through implementing a governing state to enforce laws, laws of which only can protect our first line of ethics depending whether you are maladjusted or civilly moral. And of course without religion, laws would not be recognized at all. Surely religion has made some notes that have made us happy, surely religion has made a lot of confusion as to how we are created or evolved. But surely, this idea of religion has massacred us. Religion says don't kill. What happens?-- It's become the number one cause of death and conflict throughout the history of humankind.
Of course a lot of us don't want to be murdered and that's why laws are made to 1. stop all the nonsense that instills fear in us, 2. give people an illusion of retribution through judicial punishment and such.
When humankind first came along, the idea of working in a community was to 1. hunt for food, 2. have a sense of protection, 3. to take control.
Take a good look at yourselves humans, we're the only species who have fucking intelligence and we waste it to personal gain (not the naturalistic form of personal gain, but selfish, greedy, criminal-like attitude that made us a fucking useless species except corrupt the environment of animals. And not just any animal, animals whom have done no wrong to us, we became too greedy and killed all of them, animals who, unlike us, do not pollute their environments, animals who don't harm but kill) And I say kill because unlike us, the animals only kill and harm for their personal gain and that is to eat. You never see an animal harm another for pleasure, it's either for protection or out of anxiety and nervousness.
We're also a species that practices open cannibalism (some animals, like spiders, whose females eat the males after sex is natural cannibalism), we also practice sacrifice (lives gone to waste for religion), we commit suicide (now there's a things we should be doing more often! Save the environment for the animals, kill yourselves!)
I speak of saving animals because they, unlike us, are truly structured living things, they know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, hell, they should be humans in the first place. You don't need to save the planet because the planet can save itself.
Now back to humans; we are pathetic, most of use waste our knowledge trying to stand up for freedom but when some guy who can overpower them comes along, they talk about their rights... What is freedom if you want to have fucking rights in the first place? Not every anarchist can be a real anarchist.
People don't know what comes out of their mouths, people do things very half-minded-ly. Look at this one example, all the people who tried to make us cooperate and live in peace and harmony, all of them, Jesus, Gandhi, Kennedy, the rest of the lot i can't remember for now, all of them, assassinated. Why are the people who tell us to live in peace are the ones assassinated???!!!
I'll tell you why, because people are stupid!!!{spoken in an accelerated manner}
Not just stupid, people are worthless, they are as valuable as a glass cup, the same value as gold, the same value as anything on earth.
It does sounds very socialist and Marxist doesn't it? Well, I believe no intrinsic value, no objective morality.
Things exist if they want to exist, we have been more than exploited and bedeviled and spellbound and sodomised by all that is delusional, all this, people, all this little 'safe' lives you think you're living, has and will have no meaning to it unless you introduce a little anarchy in yourselves, find something to fight for, something to live by and die for, stand up for something or fall for anything, dead fish swim with the tide, people.
You are no better than a vulgarity if you don't even introduce a little self-righteousness. That is why we question ourselves the meaning to life.
There is no meaning because we have to give it meaning.
No intrinsic value, no objective morality. You decide for you what is correct and incorrect.
Just bare in mind that whatever you own, have owned, are going to own, is not truly yours, never truly yours because you've never found its value to you. As some would say, one mans blessing is another mans curse or something like that, or was it poison? hmm...
I am waiting for the day when nature truly comes after us and fucks every one of us up. When nature will no be controlled, avoided, suppressed or anything, nature, being nature.
That is when we find value in something; who cares about the government then? Give you a recent example: the postmortem of Hurricane Katrina.
If you had followed up, nature made human be human once again: to grab anything that benefits one for personal gain.
I do have a lot more to say, I always have a lot more to say... till then, find out how to be human again people, cease this embryonic structure of robots, generation, after generation of slaves.
Look at it this way, if humankind hadn't put value in anything and truly recognized the true value of something, instead of having something intrinsic, we wouldn't have money, and of course the people who have money want to protect their fucking money through implementing a governing state to enforce laws, laws of which only can protect our first line of ethics depending whether you are maladjusted or civilly moral. And of course without religion, laws would not be recognized at all. Surely religion has made some notes that have made us happy, surely religion has made a lot of confusion as to how we are created or evolved. But surely, this idea of religion has massacred us. Religion says don't kill. What happens?-- It's become the number one cause of death and conflict throughout the history of humankind.
Of course a lot of us don't want to be murdered and that's why laws are made to 1. stop all the nonsense that instills fear in us, 2. give people an illusion of retribution through judicial punishment and such.
When humankind first came along, the idea of working in a community was to 1. hunt for food, 2. have a sense of protection, 3. to take control.
Take a good look at yourselves humans, we're the only species who have fucking intelligence and we waste it to personal gain (not the naturalistic form of personal gain, but selfish, greedy, criminal-like attitude that made us a fucking useless species except corrupt the environment of animals. And not just any animal, animals whom have done no wrong to us, we became too greedy and killed all of them, animals who, unlike us, do not pollute their environments, animals who don't harm but kill) And I say kill because unlike us, the animals only kill and harm for their personal gain and that is to eat. You never see an animal harm another for pleasure, it's either for protection or out of anxiety and nervousness.
We're also a species that practices open cannibalism (some animals, like spiders, whose females eat the males after sex is natural cannibalism), we also practice sacrifice (lives gone to waste for religion), we commit suicide (now there's a things we should be doing more often! Save the environment for the animals, kill yourselves!)
I speak of saving animals because they, unlike us, are truly structured living things, they know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, hell, they should be humans in the first place. You don't need to save the planet because the planet can save itself.
Now back to humans; we are pathetic, most of use waste our knowledge trying to stand up for freedom but when some guy who can overpower them comes along, they talk about their rights... What is freedom if you want to have fucking rights in the first place? Not every anarchist can be a real anarchist.
People don't know what comes out of their mouths, people do things very half-minded-ly. Look at this one example, all the people who tried to make us cooperate and live in peace and harmony, all of them, Jesus, Gandhi, Kennedy, the rest of the lot i can't remember for now, all of them, assassinated. Why are the people who tell us to live in peace are the ones assassinated???!!!
I'll tell you why, because people are stupid!!!{spoken in an accelerated manner}
Not just stupid, people are worthless, they are as valuable as a glass cup, the same value as gold, the same value as anything on earth.
It does sounds very socialist and Marxist doesn't it? Well, I believe no intrinsic value, no objective morality.
Things exist if they want to exist, we have been more than exploited and bedeviled and spellbound and sodomised by all that is delusional, all this, people, all this little 'safe' lives you think you're living, has and will have no meaning to it unless you introduce a little anarchy in yourselves, find something to fight for, something to live by and die for, stand up for something or fall for anything, dead fish swim with the tide, people.
You are no better than a vulgarity if you don't even introduce a little self-righteousness. That is why we question ourselves the meaning to life.
There is no meaning because we have to give it meaning.
No intrinsic value, no objective morality. You decide for you what is correct and incorrect.
Just bare in mind that whatever you own, have owned, are going to own, is not truly yours, never truly yours because you've never found its value to you. As some would say, one mans blessing is another mans curse or something like that, or was it poison? hmm...
I am waiting for the day when nature truly comes after us and fucks every one of us up. When nature will no be controlled, avoided, suppressed or anything, nature, being nature.
That is when we find value in something; who cares about the government then? Give you a recent example: the postmortem of Hurricane Katrina.
If you had followed up, nature made human be human once again: to grab anything that benefits one for personal gain.
I do have a lot more to say, I always have a lot more to say... till then, find out how to be human again people, cease this embryonic structure of robots, generation, after generation of slaves.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Melodies of Mayhem
I'm addicted to making lists now, for this current time frame, I know you won't ask me why even if the question is twisting for freedom within you.
My life is too boring to write about, unless it comes to my relationship.
I'm usually very, very busy doing either the following: watching and reviewing movies, reading and reviewing books/comics, listening and reviewing albums, playing the guitar (acoustic and electric) and with music synthesizers (making AvantGarde/Ambient/Drone/Neoclassical/Post-Industrial/Electronica)[Mind you, I hate techno music], writing stuff, experimenting and concocting and assembling stuff in my home-lab (which everyone does not know about!!!), maintaining the tip-top condition of my pets and of course there is the usual schizophrenic-insomniac personality where I lose consciousness of my current being and regaining it all somewhere where I don't even know how I got there in the first place with a letter to me written by my (yes, fucking awkward when you write letters to yourself, it's worse than the 3 curses: beauty, fame and riches.
Truly I am a genuine example of a pure insomniac; never really awake, never really asleep.
So I'll make another list.
1. All kinds of fish fornicate in water, the salmon, for instance rubs its body with another of the opposite sex until they both ejaculate eggs and semen at the same time. Knowing this, try think twice about drinking water eh?
2. Monkeys are very bisexual creatures.
3. Houseflies vomit on their food to consume it. This vomit contains very acidic substances and can cause many illnesses to the human body. So cover your food up alright!
4. Miners usually bring birds into the mine so that the bird can signal them if the air is too poisonous. The thing about the signal is...the bird dies because their lungs are very sensitive.
5. Tasmanian Devil can swallow 40 percent of its body weight in a half-hour. That's like eating 216 hamburgers for lunch!
6. The basilisk lizard runs so fast that it can walk on water.
7. The Tasmanian Devil gives birth to about 50 tiny babies at a time, but only the 4 that find her milk supply will survive.
8. The cuckoo lays its egg in another bird's nest. When the baby is born, it works at expelling all the other babies, and duping the parents into thinking it is their own.
9. The bombardier beetle squirts out boiling hot acidic liquid which quickly neutralizes any attack. Ahhh bugs and their acids....
10. The Komodo dragon has saliva so toxic with bacteria, it just bites it's prey and waits for it to die of infection a few days later... Talk about a vicious kill...
My life is too boring to write about, unless it comes to my relationship.
I'm usually very, very busy doing either the following: watching and reviewing movies, reading and reviewing books/comics, listening and reviewing albums, playing the guitar (acoustic and electric) and with music synthesizers (making AvantGarde/Ambient/Drone/Neoclassical/Post-Industrial/Electronica)[Mind you, I hate techno music], writing stuff, experimenting and concocting and assembling stuff in my home-lab (which everyone does not know about!!!), maintaining the tip-top condition of my pets and of course there is the usual schizophrenic-insomniac personality where I lose consciousness of my current being and regaining it all somewhere where I don't even know how I got there in the first place with a letter to me written by my (yes, fucking awkward when you write letters to yourself, it's worse than the 3 curses: beauty, fame and riches.
Truly I am a genuine example of a pure insomniac; never really awake, never really asleep.
So I'll make another list.
1. All kinds of fish fornicate in water, the salmon, for instance rubs its body with another of the opposite sex until they both ejaculate eggs and semen at the same time. Knowing this, try think twice about drinking water eh?
2. Monkeys are very bisexual creatures.
3. Houseflies vomit on their food to consume it. This vomit contains very acidic substances and can cause many illnesses to the human body. So cover your food up alright!
4. Miners usually bring birds into the mine so that the bird can signal them if the air is too poisonous. The thing about the signal is...the bird dies because their lungs are very sensitive.
5. Tasmanian Devil can swallow 40 percent of its body weight in a half-hour. That's like eating 216 hamburgers for lunch!
6. The basilisk lizard runs so fast that it can walk on water.
7. The Tasmanian Devil gives birth to about 50 tiny babies at a time, but only the 4 that find her milk supply will survive.
8. The cuckoo lays its egg in another bird's nest. When the baby is born, it works at expelling all the other babies, and duping the parents into thinking it is their own.
9. The bombardier beetle squirts out boiling hot acidic liquid which quickly neutralizes any attack. Ahhh bugs and their acids....
10. The Komodo dragon has saliva so toxic with bacteria, it just bites it's prey and waits for it to die of infection a few days later... Talk about a vicious kill...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Pursed lips...
I'm getting rather addicted to lists and unstructured organization. So here is my list of historical/famous figures whom I want to fight with...
1. Jesus. (hey, why not? would've made the bible more interesting if Jesus got into a fight...)
2. Micheal Jackson (If the king of pop had moves like that on the dance floor, let's see what he has in the squared circle)
3. Friedrich Nietzsche (Yes, one of my most inspiring idols; it's good to fight with people you love. You only hurt the ones you love:])
4. Yoda. (yeah I'd like to kick the shit out of his little green ass)
5. Ozzy Osbourne. (Why not the prince of darkness? haha)
6. Satan. (Why not?)
7. Adolf Hitler. (I always wanted to fight someone with one testicle)
8. A paralytic. (Me with two feet, them with four wheels... who really has an advantage here?)
9. Gunter Heimlich. (The man who made the Heimlich-Maneuver)
10. My dad. (If you can't stand against your own dad, your life is useless. Dads want their kids to show a little anarchism in them, to know they didn't raise a drone.)
Well, that's all for now and do remember: You have to know, not fear, that some day you are going to die. Until you know that and embrace that, you are useless...
1. Jesus. (hey, why not? would've made the bible more interesting if Jesus got into a fight...)
2. Micheal Jackson (If the king of pop had moves like that on the dance floor, let's see what he has in the squared circle)
3. Friedrich Nietzsche (Yes, one of my most inspiring idols; it's good to fight with people you love. You only hurt the ones you love:])
4. Yoda. (yeah I'd like to kick the shit out of his little green ass)
5. Ozzy Osbourne. (Why not the prince of darkness? haha)
6. Satan. (Why not?)
7. Adolf Hitler. (I always wanted to fight someone with one testicle)
8. A paralytic. (Me with two feet, them with four wheels... who really has an advantage here?)
9. Gunter Heimlich. (The man who made the Heimlich-Maneuver)
10. My dad. (If you can't stand against your own dad, your life is useless. Dads want their kids to show a little anarchism in them, to know they didn't raise a drone.)
Well, that's all for now and do remember: You have to know, not fear, that some day you are going to die. Until you know that and embrace that, you are useless...
micheal jackson,
people you want to fight,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Random Rantings Part 1
I've decided to create a list of things, random things, things you may, or may not know. So here's part 1 of the list.
1. Baby Koala Bears eat their mother's excrement.
2. Sea cucumbers feast of marine waste and excrement and excrete themselves every 15 minutes or so.
3. 25 species go extinct daily.
4. Never urinate in pools or in any other water bodies because bacteria and other substances follow the nitrogen trail up into your scrotum then eventually ending up in your rectum and abdomen which causes all sorts of undetectable illnesses.
If you ever swim in the Amazon and Oranoco Rivers of South America please think twice before urinating in the water. Fish called Candiru or Carnero is attracted by urine smell (urea and ammonia) and it can insert it self into the penis or vagina while urinating. Then penis fish lodges itself somewhere in the urinary tract with its spines and it uses its mouth for feeding by sucking the blood. It is almost impossible for fish to survive inside of the human body. Removal of the fish is extremely hard due to the spines and if problem is not treated it can result in removal of the genitals.
5. The survival rate for you, me and everyone else is zero.
6. Your body produces over 90 gallons of mucus a day. Most of which are swallowed, the rest either spat out through the mouth or blown out/dug out from the nose.
7. An annoyed camel will spit at a person.
8. It is said that if a statue of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, like the Zizkov Monument, the person died of natural causes.
9. Bananas consistently are the number one compliant of grocery shoppers. Most people complain when bananas are overripe or even freckled. The fact is that spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana.
10. Excessive use of credit is cited as a major cause of non-business bankruptcy, second only to unemployment.
11. Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 400 million litres (800 million pints) of blood.
12. Half the world's population earns about 5% of the world's wealth.
13. The number 13 in Greek is triskaideka and the fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.
14. The longest movie in the world according to Guiness World Records is The Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV. Released in 1987, the running time is 5220 minutes (87 hours).
15. Pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat.
16. Jean-Dominique Bauby, a French journalist suffering from "locked-in" syndrome, wrote the book "The Driving Bell and the Butterfly" by blinking his left eyelid - the only part of his body that could move.
17. There are more than 7 million millionaires in the world. 80% of whom drive second-hand cars.
18. Jack Mercer was the voice of Popeye the Sailor for 45 years.
19. Thomas Edison filed 1,093 patents, including those for the light bulb, electric railways and the movie camera. When he died in 1931, he held 34 patents for the telephone, 141 for batteries, 150 for the telegraph and 389 patents for electric light and power.
20. The first porn movie was the 1908 Fench film al'Ecu d'or oula bonne auberge.
21. China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year. 25 million trees are chopped down to make 'em sticks.
22. Almost 1,2 billion people are underfed - the same number of people that are overweight to the point of obesity.
23. The US share of the world music market is 31.3%.
24. In 1889, Kansas undertaker Almon B. Strowger wanted to prevent telephone operators from advising his rivals of the death of local citizens. So he invented the automatic exchange.
25. Tobacco is a $200 billion industry, producing six trillion cigarettes a year - about 1,000 cigarettes for each person on earth.
26. 92% of Chinese belong to the Han nationality, which has been China's largest nationality for centuries. The rest of the nation consists of about 55 minority groups.
27. Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialised nations increased by 10 cm (4 in).
28. Men loose about 40 hairs a day. Women loose about 70 hairs a day.
29. Beethoven was the first composer who never had an official court position, thus the first known freelance musician. Born in 1770, he grew up poor, but published his first work at age 12. By age 20 he was famous. He often sold the same score to six or seven different publishers simultaneously, and demanded unreasonably large fees for the simplest work. He was short, stocky, dressed badly, didn't like to bath, lived in squalor, used crude language, openly conducted affairs with married women, and had syphilis. Beethoven was deaf when he composed his Ninth Symphony.
30. A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated.
31. In 1965, CEOs earned on average 44 times more than factory workers. In 1998, CEOs earned on average 326 times more than factory workers and in 1999, they earned 419 times more than factory workers.
32. Unless food is mixed with saliva you cannot taste it.
33. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue.
34. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car. The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.
35. The scales of a crocodile are made of ceratin, the same substance that hooves and fingernails are made of.
36. In 1998, American people, foundations and corporations gave more than $175 billion to charities and churches. Churches received 40% of the contributions, while public charities and educational organizations received the remainder.
37. The largest jellyfish ever caught measured 2,3 m (7'6") across the bell with a tentacle of 36 m (120 ft) long.
38. The largest giant squid ever recorded was captured in the North Atlantic in 1878. It weighed 4 tons. Its tentacles measured 10 m (35 ft) long.
39. 2 billion people still cannot read.
40. In 1900, a person could expect to live to be 47. Today, the average life expectancy for men and women in developed countries is longer than 70 years.
41. In 1865, Frederik Idestam founded a wood-pulp mill in southern Finland, naming it Nokia. It rapidly gained worldwide recognition, attracting a large number of workforce and the town Nokia was born. In 1898, the Finnish Rubber Works company opened in Nokia, taking on the town name in the 1920s. After WWII, the rubber company took a majority shareholding in the Finnish Cable Work. In 1967, the companies consolidated to become the Nokia Group. The recession of the 1990s led the group to focus on the mobile phone market.
42. The youngest active system of governance is communism, which was introduced in 1848 by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx.
43. In 1952, John Cage composed and presented ' 4'33" ', a composition consisting of 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence.
44. The longest kiss in a movie is in Andy Warhol's Kiss. Rufus Collins and Naomi Levine kissed for the entire 50 minutes of the movie.
45. The coloured part of the eye is called the iris. Behind the iris is the soft, rubbery lens which focuses the light on to a layer, called the retina, in the back of the eye. The retina contains about 125 million rods and 7 million cones. The rods pick up shades of grey and help us see in dim light. The cones work best in bright light to pick up colours.
46. Sharks and rays also share the same kind of skin: instead of scales, they have small tooth-like spikes called denticles. The spikes are so sharp that shark skin has long been used as sandpaper.
47. Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them.
48. Don't believe that a novel could be without any e's? Here's an excerpt from page one of Wright's Gadsby:
"If youth, throughout all history, had a champion to stand up for it; to show a doubting world that a child can think; and, possibly, do it practically; you wouldn't constantly run across folks today who claim that "a child don't know anything." A child's brain starts functioning at birth; and has, amongst its many infant convolutions, thousands of dormant atoms, into which God has put a mystic possibility for noticing an adults act, and figuring out its purport."
- Gadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright. Published 1939
49. The first movie to use sound was "The Jazz Singer," released in 1927: the first words, spoken by Al Jolson, were: "Wait a minute, you ain't heard nothing yet."
50. Is a world population of 6 billion too many? Compare that with animals. There are more than a million animal species. There are 6,000 species of reptiles, 73,000 kinds of spiders, and 3,000 types of lice. For each person there is about 200 million insects. The 4,600 kinds of mammals represent a mere 0,3% of animals and the 9000 kinds of birds only 0,7%. The most numerous bird specie is the red-billed quelea of southern Africa. There are an estimated 100 trillion of them.
51. The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.
52. Industrial hemp contains less than 1% of THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana.
53. A compass does not point to the geographical North or South Pole, but to the magnetic poles.
54. Esther is the only book in the Bible that does not contain the word "God."
55. Nowhere in the Bible does it say there were three wise men - Matthew 2:1 only says: "Magi from the east came to Jerusalem" and later they present three gifts.
56. Summer on Uranus lasts for 21 years - but so does winter.
57. The tallest waterfalls in the world are Angel Falls in Venezuela. At 979 m (3,212 ft), they are 19 times taller than the Niagara Falls, or 3 times taller than the Empire State Building.
58. All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
59. There is zero gravity at the centre of earth.
60. The 12 disciples were not were not allowed to carry food, money, or extra clothing.
61. In the 6th century BC Greek mathematician Pythagoras said that earth is round - but few agreed with him.
Greek astronomer Aristarchos said in the 3rd century BC that earth revolves around the sun - but the idea was not accepted.
In the 2nd century BC Greek astronomer Erastosthenes accurately measured the distance around the earth at about 40,000 km (24,860 miles) - but nobody believed him.
In the 2nd century AD Greek astronomer Ptolemy stated that earth was the centre of the universe - most people believed him for the next 1,400 years.
62. The shortest verse in the NIV Bible is John 11:35: "Jesus wept."
63. The word "trinity" is not mentioned in the Bible.
64. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. The US Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
65. To most Americans, the orient is China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam; to Europeans it is the area of India and Pakistan.
66. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing.
67. Women make up 49% of the world population.
68. It is not true that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be viewed from space - many man-made objects, including the Dutch polders, can be viewed from space.
69. There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call.
70. In ancient China, the nose of a criminal who attacked travellers was cut off.
71. Accounts from Holland and Spain suggest that during the 1500s and 1600s urine was commonly used as a tooth-cleaning agent.
72. Only one of the Seven Wonders of the World still survives: the Great Pyramid of Giza.
73. The people killed most often during bank robberies are the robbers.
74. An exocannibal eats only enemies. An indocannibal eats only friends.
75. Leonardo da Vinci could write with the one hand and draw with the other simultaneously.
76. The shortest war on record took place in 1896 when Zanzibar surrendered to Britain after 38 minutes.
77. There are four types of marriages: monogamy, polygyny (polygymy), polyandry, and group marriage. Monogamy is one wife, one husband. Polygyny is one husband, several wives. Polyandry is one wife, several husbands. Group marriage is by far the rarest and has never been the prevailing form of marriage in any known society.
78. Rock drawings from the Red Sea site of Wadi Hammamat, dated to around 4000 BC show that Egyptian boats were made from papyrus and reeds.
79. Since 1495, no 25-year period has been without war.
80. The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
81. Global spending on defence total more than $700 billion. Global spending on education is less than $100 billion.
82. The two-finger 'V' sign actually represents victory instead of the commonly known peace.
83. In pagan times Friday was the luckiest day of the week because it was ruled by the planet Venus, the symbol of love and fortune. In fact, Friday is named in honour of Freya, goddess of Love. But for Christians, Friday has not been a good day. Adam and Eve is said to have eaten the forbidden fruit on a Friday and died on a Friday. Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
84. The fear of clowns is known as Coulrophobia
85. Gymnasiums were introduced in 900BC and Greek athletes practised in the nude to the accompaniment of music. They also performed naked at the Olympic Games.
86. Chemical and biological warfare have been used long before World War 1. During the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC, Spartans used sulphur and pitch to overcome the enemy. During ancient and medieval times, soldiers sometimes threw bodies of plague victims over the walls of besieged cities, or into water wells. During the French and Indian wars in North America (1689-1763), blankets used by smallpox victims were given to American Indians in the hope they would carry the disease.
87. When fabric gets wet, light coming towards it refracts within the water, dispersing the light. In addition, the surface of the water causes incoherent light scattering. The combination of these two effects causes less light to reflect to your eyes and makes the wet fabric appear darker.
88. Hitler had only 1 testicle...must have been a big one for him to try conquer the world...
89. The smell of new furniture and cars is Formaldehyde, which embalmer use to preserve dead bodies,
90. Meal time just isn’t meal time in a restaurant if you don’t have a Marlboro Light in one hand and a piece of fried chicken in the other.
91. Parthenophobia is the fear of little girls.
92. Edgar Allan Poe, American poet, was seventeen years old when accepted into Virginia University. First year he managed to gamble all his scholarship money. It was also reported that Edgar owed around $2500 to local gamblers. Gambling addiction led to alcoholism, which is still debated by many Poe's followers. However, it was reported by school systems that Edgar showed up in class drunk even during the examinations. The interesting fact is that Edgar Allan Poe finished with highest grades in his class and became best student of his generation.
93. In 490 BCE, Pheidippides, a Greek soldier, ran from Marathon to Athens (about 25 miles) to inform the Athenians the outcome of the battle with invading Persians. The distance was filled with hills and other obstacles; thus Pheidippides arrived in Athens exhausted and with bleeding feet. After telling the townspeople of the Greeks' success in the battle, Pheidippides fell to the ground dead. In 1896, at the first modern Olympic Games, held a race of approximately the same length in commemoration of Pheidippides.
94. The word "testis" cames from the Latin meaning to bear witness. In ancient Rome, only men could bear witness or testify in a public forum. In order to show importance to their testimony, they would hold their testicles as they spoke, and an oath was declared while holding another's testicles.
95. The fear of sexual intercourse is coitophobia.
96. Did you know that the average chocolate bar in the U.S. contains at least 8 pieces of an insect in it? Harvesting of the cacao beans occurs in the tropical countries of South America with low sanitation levels. Cacao tree beans are cut and piled in the farmer's field where they ferment for 6 days. During this process, children and adults walk over the piles; insects, rodents, small animals and other living things that make their nests in the piles. Actually the The U. S. Department of Health publishes a book entitled "The Food Defect Action Levels" in which they list unavoidable defects in food (insect, rodents etc.) all allowed by FDA.
97. An Octopus has three hearts and it can squeeze through a hole the size of a 10-cent coin.
98. When a female horse and a male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and a female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny.
99. After several debates, astronomers have determined the age of the universe by using a Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. By examining the microwave background radiation that WMAP provided, astronomers were able to pin down the age of the universe, accurate to 1%, to 13.7 billion years old.
100. In 1940 Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, Voronezh, U.S.S.R conducted research where he experimented with dogs and proved that dogs head can leave without its body for three days. Special artificial conditions were created to power the head with arterial and venous pumps. Dog's isolated head reacted to all basic external stimulants: light, sound, pain and taste. This disturbing experiment helped scientist around the world to create artificial organs that are used by many medical institutes. More recently Dr. Robert White of Ohio claims that he transplanted a monkey’s head onto another monkey’s body. If you have a good stomach check this odd video which shows in detail how dog's head is living without body.
this is the link to the video http://www.interestingfacts.org/?page=russia_dog_living_head
1. Baby Koala Bears eat their mother's excrement.
2. Sea cucumbers feast of marine waste and excrement and excrete themselves every 15 minutes or so.
3. 25 species go extinct daily.
4. Never urinate in pools or in any other water bodies because bacteria and other substances follow the nitrogen trail up into your scrotum then eventually ending up in your rectum and abdomen which causes all sorts of undetectable illnesses.
If you ever swim in the Amazon and Oranoco Rivers of South America please think twice before urinating in the water. Fish called Candiru or Carnero is attracted by urine smell (urea and ammonia) and it can insert it self into the penis or vagina while urinating. Then penis fish lodges itself somewhere in the urinary tract with its spines and it uses its mouth for feeding by sucking the blood. It is almost impossible for fish to survive inside of the human body. Removal of the fish is extremely hard due to the spines and if problem is not treated it can result in removal of the genitals.
5. The survival rate for you, me and everyone else is zero.
6. Your body produces over 90 gallons of mucus a day. Most of which are swallowed, the rest either spat out through the mouth or blown out/dug out from the nose.
7. An annoyed camel will spit at a person.
8. It is said that if a statue of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, like the Zizkov Monument, the person died of natural causes.
9. Bananas consistently are the number one compliant of grocery shoppers. Most people complain when bananas are overripe or even freckled. The fact is that spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana.
10. Excessive use of credit is cited as a major cause of non-business bankruptcy, second only to unemployment.
11. Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 400 million litres (800 million pints) of blood.
12. Half the world's population earns about 5% of the world's wealth.
13. The number 13 in Greek is triskaideka and the fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.
14. The longest movie in the world according to Guiness World Records is The Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV. Released in 1987, the running time is 5220 minutes (87 hours).
15. Pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat.
16. Jean-Dominique Bauby, a French journalist suffering from "locked-in" syndrome, wrote the book "The Driving Bell and the Butterfly" by blinking his left eyelid - the only part of his body that could move.
17. There are more than 7 million millionaires in the world. 80% of whom drive second-hand cars.
18. Jack Mercer was the voice of Popeye the Sailor for 45 years.
19. Thomas Edison filed 1,093 patents, including those for the light bulb, electric railways and the movie camera. When he died in 1931, he held 34 patents for the telephone, 141 for batteries, 150 for the telegraph and 389 patents for electric light and power.
20. The first porn movie was the 1908 Fench film al'Ecu d'or oula bonne auberge.
21. China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year. 25 million trees are chopped down to make 'em sticks.
22. Almost 1,2 billion people are underfed - the same number of people that are overweight to the point of obesity.
23. The US share of the world music market is 31.3%.
24. In 1889, Kansas undertaker Almon B. Strowger wanted to prevent telephone operators from advising his rivals of the death of local citizens. So he invented the automatic exchange.
25. Tobacco is a $200 billion industry, producing six trillion cigarettes a year - about 1,000 cigarettes for each person on earth.
26. 92% of Chinese belong to the Han nationality, which has been China's largest nationality for centuries. The rest of the nation consists of about 55 minority groups.
27. Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialised nations increased by 10 cm (4 in).
28. Men loose about 40 hairs a day. Women loose about 70 hairs a day.
29. Beethoven was the first composer who never had an official court position, thus the first known freelance musician. Born in 1770, he grew up poor, but published his first work at age 12. By age 20 he was famous. He often sold the same score to six or seven different publishers simultaneously, and demanded unreasonably large fees for the simplest work. He was short, stocky, dressed badly, didn't like to bath, lived in squalor, used crude language, openly conducted affairs with married women, and had syphilis. Beethoven was deaf when he composed his Ninth Symphony.
30. A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated.
31. In 1965, CEOs earned on average 44 times more than factory workers. In 1998, CEOs earned on average 326 times more than factory workers and in 1999, they earned 419 times more than factory workers.
32. Unless food is mixed with saliva you cannot taste it.
33. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue.
34. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car. The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.
35. The scales of a crocodile are made of ceratin, the same substance that hooves and fingernails are made of.
36. In 1998, American people, foundations and corporations gave more than $175 billion to charities and churches. Churches received 40% of the contributions, while public charities and educational organizations received the remainder.
37. The largest jellyfish ever caught measured 2,3 m (7'6") across the bell with a tentacle of 36 m (120 ft) long.
38. The largest giant squid ever recorded was captured in the North Atlantic in 1878. It weighed 4 tons. Its tentacles measured 10 m (35 ft) long.
39. 2 billion people still cannot read.
40. In 1900, a person could expect to live to be 47. Today, the average life expectancy for men and women in developed countries is longer than 70 years.
41. In 1865, Frederik Idestam founded a wood-pulp mill in southern Finland, naming it Nokia. It rapidly gained worldwide recognition, attracting a large number of workforce and the town Nokia was born. In 1898, the Finnish Rubber Works company opened in Nokia, taking on the town name in the 1920s. After WWII, the rubber company took a majority shareholding in the Finnish Cable Work. In 1967, the companies consolidated to become the Nokia Group. The recession of the 1990s led the group to focus on the mobile phone market.
42. The youngest active system of governance is communism, which was introduced in 1848 by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx.
43. In 1952, John Cage composed and presented ' 4'33" ', a composition consisting of 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence.
44. The longest kiss in a movie is in Andy Warhol's Kiss. Rufus Collins and Naomi Levine kissed for the entire 50 minutes of the movie.
45. The coloured part of the eye is called the iris. Behind the iris is the soft, rubbery lens which focuses the light on to a layer, called the retina, in the back of the eye. The retina contains about 125 million rods and 7 million cones. The rods pick up shades of grey and help us see in dim light. The cones work best in bright light to pick up colours.
46. Sharks and rays also share the same kind of skin: instead of scales, they have small tooth-like spikes called denticles. The spikes are so sharp that shark skin has long been used as sandpaper.
47. Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them.
48. Don't believe that a novel could be without any e's? Here's an excerpt from page one of Wright's Gadsby:
"If youth, throughout all history, had a champion to stand up for it; to show a doubting world that a child can think; and, possibly, do it practically; you wouldn't constantly run across folks today who claim that "a child don't know anything." A child's brain starts functioning at birth; and has, amongst its many infant convolutions, thousands of dormant atoms, into which God has put a mystic possibility for noticing an adults act, and figuring out its purport."
- Gadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright. Published 1939
49. The first movie to use sound was "The Jazz Singer," released in 1927: the first words, spoken by Al Jolson, were: "Wait a minute, you ain't heard nothing yet."
50. Is a world population of 6 billion too many? Compare that with animals. There are more than a million animal species. There are 6,000 species of reptiles, 73,000 kinds of spiders, and 3,000 types of lice. For each person there is about 200 million insects. The 4,600 kinds of mammals represent a mere 0,3% of animals and the 9000 kinds of birds only 0,7%. The most numerous bird specie is the red-billed quelea of southern Africa. There are an estimated 100 trillion of them.
51. The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.
52. Industrial hemp contains less than 1% of THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana.
53. A compass does not point to the geographical North or South Pole, but to the magnetic poles.
54. Esther is the only book in the Bible that does not contain the word "God."
55. Nowhere in the Bible does it say there were three wise men - Matthew 2:1 only says: "Magi from the east came to Jerusalem" and later they present three gifts.
56. Summer on Uranus lasts for 21 years - but so does winter.
57. The tallest waterfalls in the world are Angel Falls in Venezuela. At 979 m (3,212 ft), they are 19 times taller than the Niagara Falls, or 3 times taller than the Empire State Building.
58. All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
59. There is zero gravity at the centre of earth.
60. The 12 disciples were not were not allowed to carry food, money, or extra clothing.
61. In the 6th century BC Greek mathematician Pythagoras said that earth is round - but few agreed with him.
Greek astronomer Aristarchos said in the 3rd century BC that earth revolves around the sun - but the idea was not accepted.
In the 2nd century BC Greek astronomer Erastosthenes accurately measured the distance around the earth at about 40,000 km (24,860 miles) - but nobody believed him.
In the 2nd century AD Greek astronomer Ptolemy stated that earth was the centre of the universe - most people believed him for the next 1,400 years.
62. The shortest verse in the NIV Bible is John 11:35: "Jesus wept."
63. The word "trinity" is not mentioned in the Bible.
64. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. The US Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
65. To most Americans, the orient is China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam; to Europeans it is the area of India and Pakistan.
66. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing.
67. Women make up 49% of the world population.
68. It is not true that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be viewed from space - many man-made objects, including the Dutch polders, can be viewed from space.
69. There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call.
70. In ancient China, the nose of a criminal who attacked travellers was cut off.
71. Accounts from Holland and Spain suggest that during the 1500s and 1600s urine was commonly used as a tooth-cleaning agent.
72. Only one of the Seven Wonders of the World still survives: the Great Pyramid of Giza.
73. The people killed most often during bank robberies are the robbers.
74. An exocannibal eats only enemies. An indocannibal eats only friends.
75. Leonardo da Vinci could write with the one hand and draw with the other simultaneously.
76. The shortest war on record took place in 1896 when Zanzibar surrendered to Britain after 38 minutes.
77. There are four types of marriages: monogamy, polygyny (polygymy), polyandry, and group marriage. Monogamy is one wife, one husband. Polygyny is one husband, several wives. Polyandry is one wife, several husbands. Group marriage is by far the rarest and has never been the prevailing form of marriage in any known society.
78. Rock drawings from the Red Sea site of Wadi Hammamat, dated to around 4000 BC show that Egyptian boats were made from papyrus and reeds.
79. Since 1495, no 25-year period has been without war.
80. The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
81. Global spending on defence total more than $700 billion. Global spending on education is less than $100 billion.
82. The two-finger 'V' sign actually represents victory instead of the commonly known peace.
83. In pagan times Friday was the luckiest day of the week because it was ruled by the planet Venus, the symbol of love and fortune. In fact, Friday is named in honour of Freya, goddess of Love. But for Christians, Friday has not been a good day. Adam and Eve is said to have eaten the forbidden fruit on a Friday and died on a Friday. Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
84. The fear of clowns is known as Coulrophobia
85. Gymnasiums were introduced in 900BC and Greek athletes practised in the nude to the accompaniment of music. They also performed naked at the Olympic Games.
86. Chemical and biological warfare have been used long before World War 1. During the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC, Spartans used sulphur and pitch to overcome the enemy. During ancient and medieval times, soldiers sometimes threw bodies of plague victims over the walls of besieged cities, or into water wells. During the French and Indian wars in North America (1689-1763), blankets used by smallpox victims were given to American Indians in the hope they would carry the disease.
87. When fabric gets wet, light coming towards it refracts within the water, dispersing the light. In addition, the surface of the water causes incoherent light scattering. The combination of these two effects causes less light to reflect to your eyes and makes the wet fabric appear darker.
88. Hitler had only 1 testicle...must have been a big one for him to try conquer the world...
89. The smell of new furniture and cars is Formaldehyde, which embalmer use to preserve dead bodies,
90. Meal time just isn’t meal time in a restaurant if you don’t have a Marlboro Light in one hand and a piece of fried chicken in the other.
91. Parthenophobia is the fear of little girls.
92. Edgar Allan Poe, American poet, was seventeen years old when accepted into Virginia University. First year he managed to gamble all his scholarship money. It was also reported that Edgar owed around $2500 to local gamblers. Gambling addiction led to alcoholism, which is still debated by many Poe's followers. However, it was reported by school systems that Edgar showed up in class drunk even during the examinations. The interesting fact is that Edgar Allan Poe finished with highest grades in his class and became best student of his generation.
93. In 490 BCE, Pheidippides, a Greek soldier, ran from Marathon to Athens (about 25 miles) to inform the Athenians the outcome of the battle with invading Persians. The distance was filled with hills and other obstacles; thus Pheidippides arrived in Athens exhausted and with bleeding feet. After telling the townspeople of the Greeks' success in the battle, Pheidippides fell to the ground dead. In 1896, at the first modern Olympic Games, held a race of approximately the same length in commemoration of Pheidippides.
94. The word "testis" cames from the Latin meaning to bear witness. In ancient Rome, only men could bear witness or testify in a public forum. In order to show importance to their testimony, they would hold their testicles as they spoke, and an oath was declared while holding another's testicles.
95. The fear of sexual intercourse is coitophobia.
96. Did you know that the average chocolate bar in the U.S. contains at least 8 pieces of an insect in it? Harvesting of the cacao beans occurs in the tropical countries of South America with low sanitation levels. Cacao tree beans are cut and piled in the farmer's field where they ferment for 6 days. During this process, children and adults walk over the piles; insects, rodents, small animals and other living things that make their nests in the piles. Actually the The U. S. Department of Health publishes a book entitled "The Food Defect Action Levels" in which they list unavoidable defects in food (insect, rodents etc.) all allowed by FDA.
97. An Octopus has three hearts and it can squeeze through a hole the size of a 10-cent coin.
98. When a female horse and a male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and a female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny.
99. After several debates, astronomers have determined the age of the universe by using a Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. By examining the microwave background radiation that WMAP provided, astronomers were able to pin down the age of the universe, accurate to 1%, to 13.7 billion years old.
100. In 1940 Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, Voronezh, U.S.S.R conducted research where he experimented with dogs and proved that dogs head can leave without its body for three days. Special artificial conditions were created to power the head with arterial and venous pumps. Dog's isolated head reacted to all basic external stimulants: light, sound, pain and taste. This disturbing experiment helped scientist around the world to create artificial organs that are used by many medical institutes. More recently Dr. Robert White of Ohio claims that he transplanted a monkey’s head onto another monkey’s body. If you have a good stomach check this odd video which shows in detail how dog's head is living without body.
this is the link to the video http://www.interestingfacts.org/?page=russia_dog_living_head
Friday, October 3, 2008
As many of you may realise, I'm rather nihilistic. But I do share very atheist thoughts too on the cycle of evolution.
As for the belief in divinity, the seeking of a god or gods, the feeling of redemption through sacrifice, I really tried, but I guess I've been able to deconstruct and simplify it altogether.
To me, faith is an intrinsic validation within the physical entities formed in the cerebral cortex or the ethic centre of our brains, same goes to divinity, piety, holiness, all that jazz, we set it all up to boarder our minds with a circumference, a limit as to where we stop learning.
With that, I concluded to myself that the belief and/or dependence of a god is like boarding a window with planks, limiting our insights to the observable galaxies which are slowly drifting away from our own. The solar system is vast and if you only believe that we, along with several other planets with our moons orbit the sun are the only things that exist, then you are dead wrong, there are far more galactic entities apart from ours, showing clearly that life outside our selfish planet exists.
A life is not something with a soul, but something which harbours atoms, in other words, things living or not living, as long as containing mass/matter is a sigil of life. Unless of course there is antimatter, which also, is scientifically proven.
But I don't really give a damn about evolution or its trying-to-always-contradict enemy, creationism. I don't care about saving the planet or the intrinsic value of anything, I use my atheist thoughts and very clustered, incomplete scientific knowledge to beat religion at its game.
I don't really care about myself, I don't see the value in anything, I could die any given moment and maybe not even know. Because we have to understand that the survival rate for everyone is zero. The planet has been around for 15 billion years and we have been on it less than a million years, so it's very safe to say that the planet doesn't need us to save it.
I tell myself that I'm a law abiding human; conforming to the acts of nature, not god. Con forming to the cycle of evolution and natural progress, not god.
I believe religion, civilisation, economy and the judicial system were set up by a bunch of wise-cracks to control their fellow human beings; there is no god but those who created god to be god.
I also believe that through the creation of moralist beliefs that we ceased the existence of socialism and not benefit it.
We classify and degrade our fellow humans and other living creatures through their financial status, living conditions and intellect. But of course humans in the "higher class" create delusions like charity, to
1. Reduce their taxes.
2. To feel higher than they already feel.
3. To wash and sanitise that awkward feeling in their chest whenever they see an "under-privileged" human.
In other words, they are just contributing to their personal intrinsic value, not making much of a difference to anyone else.
For those of you who may not understand that, I'll deconstruct it for you: no matter how much you (let's call this 'Z') donate to a person (let's call this person 'X');
Z gives X a portion of their money (0.2% or whatever), Z continues to live life while X lives like Z for a fraction of their life (0.2% or whatever) what difference does it make to X when you enlighten only a moment of their life, just like an orgasm.
My point being: share happiness not money, share something priceless rather than of "eliminatable" value; to be more consistent, look up the idiom/proverb/whatever it's supposed to be called, 'if you give a one a fish, you would provide for them all of their life, but if you teach one to fish, they will provide for themselves for the rest of their life.'
I think like this because I've had my entire life handed to me and I'm sick of it, I'm sick of the fact that you're a loser if you don't work hard. Children are not the future because by the time the future comes, they won't be children anymore.
I can't say I'm a nihilist, because that would mean believing in something, I believe in what I believe, which is basically nothingness and a lot of naturalism, sometimes anarchy but I do believe in natural structure. I'm what I'd like to call Magnum Innominadum-ism/ist, magnum meaning great in latin, innominadum meaning to be unnamed.
I would love to see one day an apocalyptic disaster where governmental buildings, corporate buildings and other significant establishments crumble and burn and everything in the world is lost till we are bonded to the verge of starting all over again, then I would like to see how we suffer to have the reality crashing upon us that we have to depend on each other to survive, how bitter it is to know that we are becoming the same, equal unit of evolved vertebrates.
See how we're going to scurry across wastelands of depression with mistrust for our then cannibalistic desires.
See how selfish we really get and when all sanity is lost, then we will realise the term humankind. If not till then, we are a generation of slaves giving birth to generations of slaves to come, having everything spoonfed to us, given what to believe and what not to believe, to not know how to question, to be brainwashed into the worship of money.
So, truly, the survival rate of humankind, evantually still lies at zero.
As for the belief in divinity, the seeking of a god or gods, the feeling of redemption through sacrifice, I really tried, but I guess I've been able to deconstruct and simplify it altogether.
To me, faith is an intrinsic validation within the physical entities formed in the cerebral cortex or the ethic centre of our brains, same goes to divinity, piety, holiness, all that jazz, we set it all up to boarder our minds with a circumference, a limit as to where we stop learning.
With that, I concluded to myself that the belief and/or dependence of a god is like boarding a window with planks, limiting our insights to the observable galaxies which are slowly drifting away from our own. The solar system is vast and if you only believe that we, along with several other planets with our moons orbit the sun are the only things that exist, then you are dead wrong, there are far more galactic entities apart from ours, showing clearly that life outside our selfish planet exists.
A life is not something with a soul, but something which harbours atoms, in other words, things living or not living, as long as containing mass/matter is a sigil of life. Unless of course there is antimatter, which also, is scientifically proven.
But I don't really give a damn about evolution or its trying-to-always-contradict enemy, creationism. I don't care about saving the planet or the intrinsic value of anything, I use my atheist thoughts and very clustered, incomplete scientific knowledge to beat religion at its game.
I don't really care about myself, I don't see the value in anything, I could die any given moment and maybe not even know. Because we have to understand that the survival rate for everyone is zero. The planet has been around for 15 billion years and we have been on it less than a million years, so it's very safe to say that the planet doesn't need us to save it.
I tell myself that I'm a law abiding human; conforming to the acts of nature, not god. Con forming to the cycle of evolution and natural progress, not god.
I believe religion, civilisation, economy and the judicial system were set up by a bunch of wise-cracks to control their fellow human beings; there is no god but those who created god to be god.
I also believe that through the creation of moralist beliefs that we ceased the existence of socialism and not benefit it.
We classify and degrade our fellow humans and other living creatures through their financial status, living conditions and intellect. But of course humans in the "higher class" create delusions like charity, to
1. Reduce their taxes.
2. To feel higher than they already feel.
3. To wash and sanitise that awkward feeling in their chest whenever they see an "under-privileged" human.
In other words, they are just contributing to their personal intrinsic value, not making much of a difference to anyone else.
For those of you who may not understand that, I'll deconstruct it for you: no matter how much you (let's call this 'Z') donate to a person (let's call this person 'X');
Z gives X a portion of their money (0.2% or whatever), Z continues to live life while X lives like Z for a fraction of their life (0.2% or whatever) what difference does it make to X when you enlighten only a moment of their life, just like an orgasm.
My point being: share happiness not money, share something priceless rather than of "eliminatable" value; to be more consistent, look up the idiom/proverb/whatever it's supposed to be called, 'if you give a one a fish, you would provide for them all of their life, but if you teach one to fish, they will provide for themselves for the rest of their life.'
I think like this because I've had my entire life handed to me and I'm sick of it, I'm sick of the fact that you're a loser if you don't work hard. Children are not the future because by the time the future comes, they won't be children anymore.
I can't say I'm a nihilist, because that would mean believing in something, I believe in what I believe, which is basically nothingness and a lot of naturalism, sometimes anarchy but I do believe in natural structure. I'm what I'd like to call Magnum Innominadum-ism/ist, magnum meaning great in latin, innominadum meaning to be unnamed.
I would love to see one day an apocalyptic disaster where governmental buildings, corporate buildings and other significant establishments crumble and burn and everything in the world is lost till we are bonded to the verge of starting all over again, then I would like to see how we suffer to have the reality crashing upon us that we have to depend on each other to survive, how bitter it is to know that we are becoming the same, equal unit of evolved vertebrates.
See how we're going to scurry across wastelands of depression with mistrust for our then cannibalistic desires.
See how selfish we really get and when all sanity is lost, then we will realise the term humankind. If not till then, we are a generation of slaves giving birth to generations of slaves to come, having everything spoonfed to us, given what to believe and what not to believe, to not know how to question, to be brainwashed into the worship of money.
So, truly, the survival rate of humankind, evantually still lies at zero.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
How many times had I tried, so few have prevailed. One step forward, two steps back.
Maybe because I broke her so much which manipulated her into such a mental epilepsy of confusion. don't cry, marc, you asshole...
Tell me people, why is it so hard to let go of the first person you loved?
Why is it so hard to forget 3 years of something that has truly changed the person I am?
Why is it so hard to not feel human?
Why can't love be earned over time and effort? Why is it such a fucking instant thing?
How can a realist like me fail to accept my own realities?
How could a misanthrope love?
Tell me people, is it being idiotic?
For now, I want to wear a mask of imminence, of abomination; to resent all and to fight against all: to go against everything but not for anything. I will degrade myself into a what you might call, a piece of shit. Skitliv indeed.
I won't take your photos off my wall yet, for now, I will lie prostrate on the floor and reminisce.
Maybe because I broke her so much which manipulated her into such a mental epilepsy of confusion. don't cry, marc, you asshole...
Tell me people, why is it so hard to let go of the first person you loved?
Why is it so hard to forget 3 years of something that has truly changed the person I am?
Why is it so hard to not feel human?
Why can't love be earned over time and effort? Why is it such a fucking instant thing?
How can a realist like me fail to accept my own realities?
How could a misanthrope love?
Tell me people, is it being idiotic?
For now, I want to wear a mask of imminence, of abomination; to resent all and to fight against all: to go against everything but not for anything. I will degrade myself into a what you might call, a piece of shit. Skitliv indeed.
I won't take your photos off my wall yet, for now, I will lie prostrate on the floor and reminisce.
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