Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pursed lips...

I'm getting rather addicted to lists and unstructured organization. So here is my list of historical/famous figures whom I want to fight with...

1. Jesus. (hey, why not? would've made the bible more interesting if Jesus got into a fight...)

2. Micheal Jackson (If the king of pop had moves like that on the dance floor, let's see what he has in the squared circle)

3. Friedrich Nietzsche (Yes, one of my most inspiring idols; it's good to fight with people you love. You only hurt the ones you love:])

4. Yoda. (yeah I'd like to kick the shit out of his little green ass)

5. Ozzy Osbourne. (Why not the prince of darkness? haha)

6. Satan. (Why not?)

7. Adolf Hitler. (I always wanted to fight someone with one testicle)

8. A paralytic. (Me with two feet, them with four wheels... who really has an advantage here?)

9. Gunter Heimlich. (The man who made the Heimlich-Maneuver)

10. My dad. (If you can't stand against your own dad, your life is useless. Dads want their kids to show a little anarchism in them, to know they didn't raise a drone.)

Well, that's all for now and do remember: You have to know, not fear, that some day you are going to die. Until you know that and embrace that, you are useless...

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