Friday, October 3, 2008


As many of you may realise, I'm rather nihilistic. But I do share very atheist thoughts too on the cycle of evolution.

As for the belief in divinity, the seeking of a god or gods, the feeling of redemption through sacrifice, I really tried, but I guess I've been able to deconstruct and simplify it altogether.

To me, faith is an intrinsic validation within the physical entities formed in the cerebral cortex or the ethic centre of our brains, same goes to divinity, piety, holiness, all that jazz, we set it all up to boarder our minds with a circumference, a limit as to where we stop learning.

With that, I concluded to myself that the belief and/or dependence of a god is like boarding a window with planks, limiting our insights to the observable galaxies which are slowly drifting away from our own. The solar system is vast and if you only believe that we, along with several other planets with our moons orbit the sun are the only things that exist, then you are dead wrong, there are far more galactic entities apart from ours, showing clearly that life outside our selfish planet exists.

A life is not something with a soul, but something which harbours atoms, in other words, things living or not living, as long as containing mass/matter is a sigil of life. Unless of course there is antimatter, which also, is scientifically proven.

But I don't really give a damn about evolution or its trying-to-always-contradict enemy, creationism. I don't care about saving the planet or the intrinsic value of anything, I use my atheist thoughts and very clustered, incomplete scientific knowledge to beat religion at its game.

I don't really care about myself, I don't see the value in anything, I could die any given moment and maybe not even know. Because we have to understand that the survival rate for everyone is zero. The planet has been around for 15 billion years and we have been on it less than a million years, so it's very safe to say that the planet doesn't need us to save it.

I tell myself that I'm a law abiding human; conforming to the acts of nature, not god. Con forming to the cycle of evolution and natural progress, not god.

I believe religion, civilisation, economy and the judicial system were set up by a bunch of wise-cracks to control their fellow human beings; there is no god but those who created god to be god.

I also believe that through the creation of moralist beliefs that we ceased the existence of socialism and not benefit it.

We classify and degrade our fellow humans and other living creatures through their financial status, living conditions and intellect. But of course humans in the "higher class" create delusions like charity, to

1. Reduce their taxes.
2. To feel higher than they already feel.
3. To wash and sanitise that awkward feeling in their chest whenever they see an "under-privileged" human.

In other words, they are just contributing to their personal intrinsic value, not making much of a difference to anyone else.

For those of you who may not understand that, I'll deconstruct it for you: no matter how much you (let's call this 'Z') donate to a person (let's call this person 'X');
Z gives X a portion of their money (0.2% or whatever), Z continues to live life while X lives like Z for a fraction of their life (0.2% or whatever) what difference does it make to X when you enlighten only a moment of their life, just like an orgasm.

My point being: share happiness not money, share something priceless rather than of "eliminatable" value; to be more consistent, look up the idiom/proverb/whatever it's supposed to be called, 'if you give a one a fish, you would provide for them all of their life, but if you teach one to fish, they will provide for themselves for the rest of their life.'

I think like this because I've had my entire life handed to me and I'm sick of it, I'm sick of the fact that you're a loser if you don't work hard. Children are not the future because by the time the future comes, they won't be children anymore.

I can't say I'm a nihilist, because that would mean believing in something, I believe in what I believe, which is basically nothingness and a lot of naturalism, sometimes anarchy but I do believe in natural structure. I'm what I'd like to call Magnum Innominadum-ism/ist, magnum meaning great in latin, innominadum meaning to be unnamed.

I would love to see one day an apocalyptic disaster where governmental buildings, corporate buildings and other significant establishments crumble and burn and everything in the world is lost till we are bonded to the verge of starting all over again, then I would like to see how we suffer to have the reality crashing upon us that we have to depend on each other to survive, how bitter it is to know that we are becoming the same, equal unit of evolved vertebrates.

See how we're going to scurry across wastelands of depression with mistrust for our then cannibalistic desires.

See how selfish we really get and when all sanity is lost, then we will realise the term humankind. If not till then, we are a generation of slaves giving birth to generations of slaves to come, having everything spoonfed to us, given what to believe and what not to believe, to not know how to question, to be brainwashed into the worship of money.

So, truly, the survival rate of humankind, evantually still lies at zero.

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