Saturday, October 11, 2008


People never discuss the methods of suicide, well hardly. Be it hanging, jumping, shooting, intoxication, slitting or such as, but people hardly ever hear the term autoerotic asphyxia.

When Ivan was 16, he was surfing the internet for extreme pornography sites, he developed a paraphilic mind where he would imagine girls and guys of every form you could ever imagine defaecate and urinate on him while sticking carrots up his rectum. He would then also imagine animals licking vigorously at his scrotum while he masturbated.

Ivan grew deeper and deeper into his autoeroticism and avoided the rest of the world violently, his addiction made him skip meals and life became depressing.

Masturbation for him was only another way out. His genitals were his life.

People find countless ways to get it off good, some have dire consequences. Such like a vacuum cleaner company developed its design in the 50's by adding a rotating razor blade on the inside of their pipes to shred up all the things that may clog up the system. This resulted in many men having to be rushed to the hospital because their penises were either severed, partially severed, stuck or partially severed and stuck.

The deeper the addiction grew, the more experimental he became, the more misanthropic he was.

To cut the long story short (I'm too lazy to write), Ivan masturbated, and about 10 seconds before he ejaculated, he cut the oxygen to his brain to get a better feeling. This is called autoerotic asphyxia.

He suffocated to death, more or less masturbated to death. Suicide through masturbation... bet you didn't know it was possible to huh?

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