Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bloody BLOGaboutIT!

If you think laws in Singapore are tough, look at China, where they administer the death sentence to even non-violent crimes such as fraud and embezzlement, it is recently publicized that the execution rate in China will be reduced and thereon suspended. The number of executions administered in China last year, in 2008, reported by the Amnesty International, totaled up to an approximate 1,718, which is 72% of the international executions administered last year. May I suggest that since this has occurred, I urge other countries to keep the international quota equal as it is as we do not need too many people in this dirtball of meaningless random events.

It looks like organic farming is taking the rap for its’ false prophecies when research has proven there are no ‘benefits’ as claimed by the tree-hugging community. Though it is beneficial for the environment, organic food is not beneficial to us. So much for saving the environment, you’re not even saving your wallet.

It looks like pregnant women are 4 times more likely to catch the swine flu, thus giving them the priority to access vaccination. So stop having babies, it reduces your chances of catching pig flu and it aids the environment; less people=a better environment.

The Formula ONE have been making headlines these few weeks with the richer crowd wanting to create their own league, Massa recovering from his eye injury, BMW quitting after this season ends after Honda’s withdrawal in December, and the legendary Michael Schumacher to return to the race tracks in replace of Massa. Well, you win some, you lose some.


Abortion: Murder or Birth Control?

By Marc Ashley Alexander

I, being me, will discuss topics from a cynical point of view of which I have no stands, no basis, and just pure on-the-spot thinking. I don’t see right and wrong, good or evil, values and meaninglessness; I see nothing.

So in this topic, I’ll discuss from where I stand and where I don’t the act of abortion.

Some view it as murder, others, an escape, to some, it even means to save money in the long run, so what’s the beef on morals and objectivity, liberalism and divinity?

From a religious point of view, abortion is considered murder; the act of stealing, or more considerably taking another life.

From a liberal stance, an abortion may mean murder or it may mean another method of birth control.

The religious adopt the more abstained lifestyle, to please their means of divinity, so tendencies like premarital sexual activities, and obviously conceiving a child before a marriage is consummated is sinful to the religious community. Though the religious do deserve the respect they command, that does not mean that that respect cannot be opposed.

For the liberals, they choose to adopt their own lifestyle, to suit their needs and beliefs in which they hold very firmly. So certain liberals may tend to differ from other liberals, but I’m not here to discuss the separatism in liberalism, nor am I here to give a speech on the various religions.

From the way I see it, an abortion is a subjective option to many reasons; imagine being 14 in a low-income family and having to raise an ‘unwanted’ child, the first instance here is, “where would the pride go to?”, further along, financial issues will appear and soon, how is the 14-year-old going to attend school while mothering a child?

You see, it’s not always the life that is soon-to-be lost that matters here, the adjacent people suffer as well, so if one were to say, “abortion is murder, you must not assess it no matter what your situation,” it would be not only selfless of that individual, it would also be selfish, for that individual has no proper understanding and estimation of how such a situation would eventually end, for that individual may not have experienced a similar situation.

If the abortion of a foetus is considered the murder of life then the simple act of bodily expulsions such as mucus and saliva, urine and feces is therefore considered murder, for scientifically any living organism is then from the world’s largest creature to a microscopic cell, for it functions on its own accord, similarly, the human body functions on the interactivity of our cellular particles, of which, we won’t be considered life if they were to not function, thus making the average sperm an already living organism, therefore any male who has had an orgasm is therefore a mass murderer, any woman who has gone through her menstrual period is a serial killer, and a child who falls and bleeds is also a killer for they do discharge bodily cells which function in the body, which act in its own accord directed by it nucleus, which then allows it to be called life and thus from discharging these particles into an environment in which it is not familiar with or programmed to function in, it will die and decompose, just like a person being thrown into the ocean with no swimming knowledge, or no air supply, it will die, and decompose.

If abortion is then considered murder, then on what grounds is it not?

This is the part where subjectivity comes into the game. If the person is medically unwell or considerably unfit to look after the child after or before it is born then an abortion might be a considerable option.

But, there is also the question of ‘if there is no reason for an abortion, why make it a considerable move?’

This is my answer and my conclusion: Because everyone can do whatever they want to do with their lives, if conceiving a child is a mistake, then deal with your own mistakes, if it’s a blessing to you, then so be it, there’s no need to tell people what to do with their lives, so keep your imperialistic dogma to yourselves and worry about your own lives.

Continuum Hypothesis

There is a lot going on in this volatile tissue of a brain, each instantaneous moment, my hypothalamus is stretched to microscopic exertion, so much so, my theorems tend to wander around like little children lost in the wilderness, unknowing to their extensive surrounds foraged with natural predators and epic dangers which merely is used as a tool by the entertainment industry.

My local imagination and theoretical analysis is as wildean comparing to one on narcotics, but my brain is scattered but refuses to escape to the outer regions of my central nervous system to my hands and to my vocal box, they stay locked in and scattered like stars across the galactical scape. It is as if they are unwilling to be shared unless to those who deserve it, which gets me thinking if I deserve my knowledge, understanding and intellect.

I can’t understand much but I can discuss nanotechnology and the matrixes of genome experimentation.

I guess I’m still working on it, I’m still 17, so I guess I have ample time to write as many books before I die.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sociopathic Delirium.

Here is you.

And here is the world.

In between is an opinionated vortex.

And in between the opinionated vortex and you and the world, are other people, the perceived and conceived realities and just a lot of bull we mish and mash in.

So how do we get away from all of it; how do we dislocate our worthless selves from the nonsense we’re told to see and made to believe?

I’m doing this post for Kristal in Australia, we still need that breakfast, buddy, perhaps over Skype ;P

She probed me with this: How do you detach yourself from everything?

Well for one, you know my answer to life, darling.

Another way is to think it differently.

Most people consider meditation, but I can’t find the patience to meditate.

The thing is Kristal, detaching yourself from everything is simple, I guess it’s simple if you had my mind, desensitized, I guess that’s what it’s bleached with, I don’t fucking know what I’m talking about now, can I take medical leave? It’s nearly 4 in the morning, cigarettes aren’t doing much and all the things in my mind are colliding into nothingness.

Hey, I guess that’s pretty much it, displacement, let everything collide and blend into one plain unnamed emotion I’d like to call nothingness, Innominandum.

Now onto my bantering; in today’s headline, I found a very idiosyncratic game to play while you’re having sex; ask ridiculous shit that might just turn your partner off and get them to snap while they work towards their orgasm: ask them to sing a random verse of a random song they like, ask them serious questions that might appear on a term paper (eg What’s the periodic symbol for sodium?).

You could even do an entire game where it’s split into categories and shit.

So listen to my rules:

1. this has to be done in the middle-ending of the sex where orgasm is drawing nigh.

2. progress slowly from each question.

3. for each question, go down had and fast on your partner as they think of the answer.

4. the objective of the game is to pointlessly annoy and make your partner look as stupid as possible just so you can have something to talk over during sofa-talk, you know, that little pointless discussion randomizing from topic to topic.

5. so do it or not, fuck or be fucked.

Monday, July 20, 2009

fucken blogaboutit!

Usually I wouldn’t care and won’t be bitchy about it and all, in fact, I would gladly entertain and even discuss it more with you and all, considering you like it pretty much 20% or so like I do.

But the moment you used ‘fuckit’ with no space in between, I feel betrayed man. Like, who the fuck do you think you are to fucking act all friendly and all and just use the god damned word without fucking telling me, who the fuck do you think you are that by talking similarly to how I usually do make it alright for you to use a word I’ve been known by most of the people who’ve known me a long time associate me with.

You were the one who was fucking asking me tips on how to ask a girl out, and treated me and Yunwei out to lunch and all just so we can help you pick a gift for a girl who won’t give two flying fucks about you even if you did your best and you act all fucking “Oh, I’m not in the mood for it”.

You know, I don’t fucking care if you’re in the mood for it, you talk freely? Well I fucking talk freely too.

You fucking wrote a long, sappy, cheesy, melodramatic love letter to Yunwei right after I fucking broke up with her, how much more of a dick do you have to be even after she fucking ignored the shit out of you.

And the only reason she started talking to you was because I told her to fucking relax about it.

You caught me at the wrong time, boy, wrong time… I’m already pissed with personal issues, and I have to look at this, so you’re getting all my heat.

I’m not going to be sorry or anything, because, you’ve been bloody annoying anyway, no wonder you’ve never gotten a girlfriend. Even people whose chairs have more personality than them have bloody girlfriends, heck, even a blind man can fly the plane better than you even if he’s rectally taken cocaine.

Don’t get me wrong, but I’m only bitching about it because I feel like there’re stuff that needs to be taken care of, unfortunately, you kinda got me snapped when you got a little too cocky.

Takes two to clap, one to snap; rip this off too, cocksucker, pathetic cunt you are.

And I’m not even angry yet, just temperamental; early stage of my anger where I get all whiny and bitchy about it, I seriously don’t know how the fuck it got me to blog about it, but a chat earlier on, with 2 friends of mine, and this joke about someone, got me to ‘fucken' blog about it!’

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Infantile Volatility

Well, Best friend’s birthday, reunion with many long lost friends and my meeting with John Lennon, yes, THE John Lennon’s glasses, and Ozzy Osborne's too, which my uncle will be giving to me, whee hee hee…

So I’ve got nothing much to talk about now, so just pictures of nonsense.


P060709_10.54                                        Here is my dog’s stitches, aww, oww, yeah yeah yeahP130709_00.34 Cigarette’s galore.P130709_00.35 P130709_00.35[01] P130709_23.30 Thanks for fucking me over Glen.P140709_00.00 Ozyy’s glassesP140709_00.01 John Lennon’s

Ok, Bye!   

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Skeptic Eclectic Hectic Reject-it

People are a bunch of useless, mindless, soulless, lifeless, pathetic, boring, uninteresting and dumb walking thoughtless mammals, who not only destroy things, but themselves along as well.

You might ask when the idiocy will stop, I ask why did it begin.

All I see now is just a walking pile of inanimate beings lost to some deluded conformity to some scamming dogtrotting absolutism that has bought over these people to just follow with no sense of creativity. Even their fucking cell phones have more function than them.

Think about it: at least a cell phone can be not only used as a device of communication, but also as an irritant for fools whom like myself, to blast music to annoy the masses, and could be used as a vibrator, a camera, and whatever they could be used for these days; all people do is die.

I watch the World Wrestling Entertainment every week to watch grown men in swimming trunks bash each others’ brains out and touch each other in front of thousands for a piece of leather and gold around their waists, and to think you can get a custom made watch that can stretch as a belt around your waist for much less effort.

And what do they do with it? – Prance around like a fucking circus clown in front of the same people who stuff fucking food and beer into themselves and carry useless signs around to support these hulk-like men who don’t even appreciate their effort and swing it around as they climb fucking poles they call turnbuckles in some austere-secreted triumph and yap about winning so many times, being a veteran in the business and blah blah blah and that’s basically it, that’s entertainment.

“I’ve won the title blah blah blah number of times…”

You just forgot to mention the amount of times you lost it as well you rich fucking twat.

But I still enjoy and like the many others, react wildly to the action. So I’m in question here as well.

I speak for and against the people with the full knowledge (but constant rejection) that I am part of the people myself, I know.

Only a handful amount of people go around doing whatever they want, other people just follow and follow.

I drink beer, and like many people, I drink a lot of it, and I’m very sure that a lot of people like me, drink it all the time and fucking hate it, but still drink it anyway.

I mean, why waste all that money for a drink I don’t like anyway?

Because for some weird fact, beer is addictive.

“I will never drink again, ever!”

“I want to drink badly!”

Subliminally, those two statements are vaguely similar, because you only say the former when you have too much, and say the latter when you don’t have any.

This is not for parody or comical purpose, but subliminally, paradoxically (and contrary to my mentality), it is.

I can think of so much nonsense all the time, I can write a book about it (that’s how most books are written anyway), then think more nonsense to write a book about thinking about nonsense, then think of more nonsense to think about writing about nonsense from all the nonsense I had already thought about to writing more books that adds up to me writing the bible, which is already full of nonsense.

If you are a person who believes in religion and spirituality, you must then believe in nonsense. But if you’re a person who thinks in the ways of all scientific logic and fact and evidence and all that is intellectual and academically accepted, you are a person of entire nonsense… what nonsense.

So all in all, people are nonsensical. Animals are not nonsensical, because they don’t say anything, unless it’s a fucking parrot which fucking nonsensically imitates what people say to fucking amuse and irritate them.

Fucking 5 a.m in the bloody morning and a parrot is going “sqawk sqawk! HALLO HALLO HALLO HALLO HALLO HALLO!”

Well hell-fucking-oh! Now let me fucking sleep!

I fucking hate it when it’s a fucking lazy Sunday afternoon and my parents bang on the door like there’s a fire going on, only to learn when I open the door that they want to tell me I’m missing the best part of the day. Well I’ll really want (if I muster the courage, or get really really drunk) to go bang on their door at 3 a.m in the bloody morning and say to them when they get up, “Now you’re missing the best part of my day!”

I come from a Catholic family that can’t give a shit about going to church, so all we’re stuck with is licking cats and have my dad shout over my metal that the power of Christ fucking compels me, and it makes me wonder why, why can’t we just fucking go to church, sing an unemotional hallelujah, listen to some speech about how Christ was riding his donkey (sounds dirty…), and flirt with Eurasian girls while trying to convince them that losing their virginity in church is not really losing it at all.

Ok, so I’m starting to write a whole script for a stand-up I will never get to do; jumping from topic to topic, thinking that some of the stuff I write here is awful fucking funny and I’m admiring my not-so-good looks in the mirror in front of me wondering how Jesus is riding the donkey.

“You all have been a great audience, thank you and god bless America! And if god doesn’t exist then bless yourselves! Good night!”

Static Paralysis

I love museums.

Went to both National and Art museums just now for some free entry night thingy or something like that, watched an old movie in the open air under the banyan tree, rummaged through the flea market, generally lots of very cool shit.

Been working at that jam studio for some time, polishing instruments (even when the boss says I don’t need to), playing instruments (generally playing stuff from the 80’s and early 90’s, hmm, why? (; heh), seeing friends old and new, cracking too many nonsensical jokes, having a load of awkward moments in the ‘corner’, being fucking witty and dumb, and of course, who could forget earning my keep at the end of the day.

But all in all life is life and life ends.

Wrote a song in my head on the way back home in tune of “All I Want is You” by Barry Louis Polisar.

If I was an idiot would you still want me/ Even if my IQ level dropped to 173/ And if I was an emperor would you bow to me/ Even if I wanted to alternate reality…

All I am is that, would you be my bride/ regret your life with me and die by my side/ All I am is that, would you please kill me/ Hold me in your arms and throw me in the sea…

If you really think/ then I’d really blog/ And if you were to sink/ then I’d smoke a fog

After this point, I’m starting to wonder, what the fuck was I smoking…

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Regicidal Maniac

Many of you aren’t accustomed to helplessness and insanity, but here I am turning the world psychotic, and I’m loving each minute of it, if I really am.

I am nihilistic; I believe and believe in nothing. So I have approached with much appropriate and inappropriate skepticism and doubt and hygienic sarcasm.

I’ve been ticking off and tocking off as a literary terrorist, more presumably as an anarchical writer but in whichever address you may address me with, I write about liberalism and nonsense with this mind as labyrinth as mine.

I don’t think there’re absolutes but from what I’ve seen in life, there is no master plan to it, no divine order, nothing, just a chaotic wad of dirt.

We did such a great job alternating and evolving and adapting our environment towards our needs and wants that we’re all suffering for it behind a work desk, an office cubicle, a prison cell, an asylum; in a suit or a straightjacket, we’re suffering one way or another.

Work stress and tension creates mass murderers, insufficient exposure to the modern world creates psychotic bastards, so it’s all the same.

I see people all day and all I see is a bunch of sheep wandering aimlessly for the same old bullshit: love, money, material possession, intrinsic value, some sort of meaning to this screwed up porno-verse of insane bastards.

Is that all that matters?

Is utilising election and dictation and the amount of freedoms we can have (which we actually do have but oh, we created laws and morality to imprison ourselves) by a single mortal prophet, the superhero, the outspoken overachiever who wants to lead people to a better tomorrow as our shepherd really what we need?

How many more world leaders and world fuck ups must we go through before we actually realise we have to start living for ourselves?

So many questions, so much bullshit.

So much of a blog to share the gory details of my adolescence.

Instructions to make TNT (trinitrotoluene):

A beaker of 76% sulphuric acid, 23% nitric acid and 1% water.

A beaker of 57% nitric acid, 43% sulphuric acid.

In percentages of weight, not volume. Remember, it's easier to make a big explosion than a smaller, more controlled one.

10 grams of the first beaker are poured into another empty beaker and put in an ice bath, making beaker A.

Add 10 grams of toluene and stir for 8 minutes; clockwise for 40 counts, counterclockwise for 40 and repeat.

Remove beaker from ice bath and heat till 50 degrees celsius; solution is constantly stirred while being heated.

From the first beaker, add an additional 50 grams and allow the temperature to rise another 5 degrees. Keep constant for 10 minutes and an oily liquid forms on the surface.

Return this acid solution to return to the ice bath, cooling down to 45 degrees celsius, the oily surface will sink to the base, when this happens remove the remaining liquid with a syringe only, no other way.

Now, another 50 grams from the first beaker is added to the oily solution as the temperature is slowly raised to 83 degrees, after reaching this temperature, maintain for a full half hour.
Allow this solution to cool to 60 degrees after this period, maintain this temperature for another half hour removing the acid solution, once again leaving the oily substance behind.

30 grams of sulphuric are added as the oily substance is gently heated to 80 degrees celsius.

Once temperature has been reached and maintained, add in the acid from the second beaker. Slowly raise the temperature from 80 to 104 and keep constant for 3 hours.

After this time, lower temperature to 100 and keep constant for half an hour.

Remove oil from acid and wash with boiling water.
As you wash and stir, the solution will solidify.

Once solidification has commenced, generously add in cold water to turn it into pellets, this must be then dried.

Once you've got the dried pellets, this is the last and most important part: add them into an empty, dry pan, heat over stove for an hour, over this period, pellets must be observed for any sublimation and liquidation, it must then be drained and the remainder of solid is dried and put into containers for combustion.

Household subsitutes:
Sulphuric acid- battery acid
Nitric acid- saltpeter

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I watched Transformers 2 yesterday.

To those who said the storyline isn’t as good, go fuck yourselves.

The storyline is so much more saucier than the first, so much more so fucking much more.

Sure, implying so many old school dramatics into the movie, but it worked for me, I guess people forgot the gap in between where the bots were suddenly aplenty. Think about it, the whole movie has one thing in common with current events, terrorism and government cover ups. Like, all the terrorist attacks, sure the first movie didn’t collide, but sooner or later, I caught up and it was trying to say that all the terrorist attacks that happened so far were actually robot attacks from outer space. The president mentioned in the movie was in fact Barack Obama, which I thought was quite clever. Like it all came to me when they mentioned 9/11, the first movie came out in 2007, where they had the battle in LA, this was covered up as a terrorist attack just like 9/11. Then the opening scene of the new movie was also covered up as a terrorist attack, now this is where things get interesting, when Sam was in his first astronomy class his mental breakdown made him read the entire astronomy book in a few seconds and shouting out that Einstein is wrong, then went on to correct the entire relativity equation, which would mean it shouldn’t be E=mc2, then it hit me, Einstein wasn’t right either.

His whole idea of relativity had to do with quantum physics which has math which is out of this world, it basically said that everything is mathematically, quantumly related. But if so, the observer would be able to hypothesize the universe, making it all to simple though complicated. And if the observer were to hypothesize the universe, then there would be no god, but there would be no evolution either, then we can actually create whatever, whenever.

Sure, I lost all of you already, but back to the movie; I felt, in fact, it had too much action in it, which made it quite a bummer, I loved it really, but the action was a bit too draggy, making it seem that Michael Bay tried a little too hard this time, and the last part of the action sequence, where if I’m not wrong was megatron’s head being smashed, kinda reminded me of the old King Kong from the 1930’s.

All in all, a better than average movie with a pleasurable script and an entertaining cast.

Now, I’ve been listening to the song Forever Young a lot, and I say, it’s really gotten to me, it has made me realise that I don’t want to grow older.

That line, ‘Let us die young or let us live forever’, reminded me a lot about me; I tell people, no matter how old I am, never call me a man, it sounds disgusting and human, I’m not saying this like a girl who wants to keep her good looks and all, but in the essence of keeping my youth. How I never fail to impress people with my ‘wit’ because I’m damn bloody young and all and I realised, I like being young and smart, I don’t want to care, but I just do.

Like one day, I’m going to turn 21 and I’m going to be considered an adult, I have to know what I’m doing to suit the needs of society and all and all I can think of is, I just want to get stoned all day and read comic books.

I don’t want to start a family and have a job and be all responsible and all. I mean, it would be nice, but think of all that liberty I’ll be sacrificing, all the wasted years.

So let me die young or let me live forever.

Stem cell research had better find a way.

I’m a little embarrassed to post this, but who gives a damn.


Friday, July 3, 2009


P270609_13.33 P270609_14.18 P270609_13.34[01] P270609_13.34

So there I was walking and BAM I fainted, next thing I know, my temperature getting taken, and it read 42.3, “christ,” I thought, I’m getting that pig flu. After I happily told people not to worry about it, I’m getting it, now this is interesting…

But no… I didn’t get it, days of high fever and all I got diagnosed with was dehydration, well who cares.

They tried about 12 times to take my blood sample because my blood just won’t flow, won’t flow at all.

Then came the 0.2% sodium chloride, 2 pints of it dripped into my system to hydrate me; at the end of the second, my blood animatedly ran through the tube and into the same bag that hydrated me and they had to squeeze the whole lot back in, really groovy feeling, really groovy feeling.

Apart from myself, my poor Tibetan Spaniel was admitted to the vet as well, she was having her menstruation and lost her appetite,  and an x-ray scan showed that her uterus was filling up with some sort of pus and that she would die if it was not removed in time, so the poor creature had to undergo surgery and taaa-daaa stitches here and there, but she’s better than she was a few days back.

I’ll upload photos of her scars soon, for now I’m going to immense myself in the fantasy of driving a Triumph Spitfire; Black with red leather seats, oh so sexy, a nice, smooth mahogany steering wheel, perfectly waxed and polished smelling of pinewood, with its white velvet convertible hood and tainted windows, oh so sexy, so sexy, so sexy.

So you take care idiots, bye bye.