Thursday, July 16, 2009

Infantile Volatility

Well, Best friend’s birthday, reunion with many long lost friends and my meeting with John Lennon, yes, THE John Lennon’s glasses, and Ozzy Osborne's too, which my uncle will be giving to me, whee hee hee…

So I’ve got nothing much to talk about now, so just pictures of nonsense.


P060709_10.54                                        Here is my dog’s stitches, aww, oww, yeah yeah yeahP130709_00.34 Cigarette’s galore.P130709_00.35 P130709_00.35[01] P130709_23.30 Thanks for fucking me over Glen.P140709_00.00 Ozyy’s glassesP140709_00.01 John Lennon’s

Ok, Bye!   

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