Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sociopathic Delirium.

Here is you.

And here is the world.

In between is an opinionated vortex.

And in between the opinionated vortex and you and the world, are other people, the perceived and conceived realities and just a lot of bull we mish and mash in.

So how do we get away from all of it; how do we dislocate our worthless selves from the nonsense we’re told to see and made to believe?

I’m doing this post for Kristal in Australia, we still need that breakfast, buddy, perhaps over Skype ;P

She probed me with this: How do you detach yourself from everything?

Well for one, you know my answer to life, darling.

Another way is to think it differently.

Most people consider meditation, but I can’t find the patience to meditate.

The thing is Kristal, detaching yourself from everything is simple, I guess it’s simple if you had my mind, desensitized, I guess that’s what it’s bleached with, I don’t fucking know what I’m talking about now, can I take medical leave? It’s nearly 4 in the morning, cigarettes aren’t doing much and all the things in my mind are colliding into nothingness.

Hey, I guess that’s pretty much it, displacement, let everything collide and blend into one plain unnamed emotion I’d like to call nothingness, Innominandum.

Now onto my bantering; in today’s headline, I found a very idiosyncratic game to play while you’re having sex; ask ridiculous shit that might just turn your partner off and get them to snap while they work towards their orgasm: ask them to sing a random verse of a random song they like, ask them serious questions that might appear on a term paper (eg What’s the periodic symbol for sodium?).

You could even do an entire game where it’s split into categories and shit.

So listen to my rules:

1. this has to be done in the middle-ending of the sex where orgasm is drawing nigh.

2. progress slowly from each question.

3. for each question, go down had and fast on your partner as they think of the answer.

4. the objective of the game is to pointlessly annoy and make your partner look as stupid as possible just so you can have something to talk over during sofa-talk, you know, that little pointless discussion randomizing from topic to topic.

5. so do it or not, fuck or be fucked.

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