Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM (look it up, goons; it's a real word...)

So I've made a set list of my favourite words and formed them into acronyms of my favourite issues. I've been busy being lifeless these few days so screw your wondering of my absence...

P.E.N.I.S = Political Establishments Neutralizes Intrinsic "Systematism"

C.U.N.T = Corporate Unions Necrotises Thinking.

G-.S.P.O.T = Governmental Systems Pulverise & Obliterate Tranquility..

T.E.S.T.I.C.L.E.S = Thinking Enforces Someone To Ignore Common Laws & Ethics & Sanity.

V.A.G.I.N.A = Vindication, According to Governments Is Never Accurate.

So there you have my thinking about words when I'm playing Spiderman™ 3 on my PSP...

So I'll try think of better stuff to post next time... in the meantime... F.O.A.D(fuck off and die :D)

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