Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sexual Reality

As a person who believes in the political movement of anarchy, I am a liberal who does not believe in the policy of believing the government.

An example can be shared through what I was reading on the paper on what Lee Hsien Loong said that we should squeeze on the COE’s and increase the ERP gantries. It was also said in another speech earlier on this week by his father, Lee Kwan Yew, on the financial development of the country that Singapore can strive without an opposition.

Which goes to show we have a totalitarian, capitalistic nation, with confused political authorial rule and just plain control.

All the hierarchy really wants is to control us.

We are just the sheepish lead to the slaughter, being drawn to the illusion that we can benefit from the ‘choices’ they give us; which in fact, we do not have a choice.

They’re squeezing on the COE’s and the amount of ERP gantries, just so that they can, supposedly, control the traffic problem concerning the influx to the CDB area, when it’s clearly the main instigator of the problem. It’s a catalyst, and I have a good analogy for this: take a mental institute, from experience, it is not the person who makes it to mental hospital, the mental hospital makes the person.

But people don’t see they’re not doing this to control the traffic problem, or to save the environment.

In fact, the government is clearly challenging the success-seeking Singaporean to buy the cars and up the economy. Besides, there is no profit from conservation.

It’s all just an illusionary statement to put more money in the pocket.

Why you may ask?

Singapore is facing underpopulation and they are giving cash and incentives, benefits basically to those with more children.

Think about it, where does all that money come from?

Taxes(from cigarettes and GST, and ridiculous fines), it comes from all the overpriced property to increase the value of something.

Property and ownership have only driven people to the “want and need” factor.

It has driven people to crime, corruption and is basically the root of all “evil”.

In a tiny state of Singapore, where property demand is high and expenses are even higher and taxes are ridiculously high, it’s painful for me to see the people I have grown up with attain the ‘PAP mindset’. I am not Singaporean, but I have lived here for most of my life so I do consider it a home to me, and all I want to see is an enlightened nation who can think for themselves.

But that is how the government is taking over us: we are already so small so debating for power would only lead to civil wars and so to prevent this, the government never allows opposing forces to intervene in their affairs.

I shall conclude here for today, do think about what I have written fellow Singaporeans, your liberal terrorist and stateless socialist, nihilistic, individualist adolescent with contradictory beliefs and views, Marc Ashley, aka, KVNT.

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